Want to save on your shopping budget?
So you probably want to take advantage of the promotions?
But beware of promotions:they are always a double-edged sword.
We think we're getting a good deal, and hop we're having it!
Then use our advice, and your flair, to know how to choose and make the most of promotions in supermarkets !
You could save a lot of money. Watch:
By moving through the fresh produce sections of supermarkets...
You have all noticed that some items are offered with very deep discounts.
So, with a light heart, you buy two or three times more than expected.
But beware, these fresh produce are priced so low for a good reason.
They will be expired in a very short time.
In order not to forget them in the fridge and have to throw them away, I apply this little trick.
I place them on the edge of the shelves and not at the very bottom.
I also sometimes buy large quantities to freeze then.
Obviously, it doesn't work for yogurts or salad!
To discover: The 18 Foods You Can Eat Even Expired.
Also be careful not to get carried away by the madness of shopping after choosing other products at a bargain price .
The stores know that the customer who has just made a good deal will go back to the other departments with a light heart, and spend without counting too much.
To be able to really save, you must first know how to be wary.
Taking advantage of promotions on supermarket shelves seems so easy that you quickly fall asleep.
And we get tricked further.
Result:a hefty bill at checkout.
If you want to do business without losing all your money, you have to keep a cool head and know what you're buying...
And especially to know if we have really need.
The ideal is to remember to check the price per kilo of these promotional products, and to compare them with the price of conventional products.
You will often be surprised at the result!
Products whose expiry dates are approaching are generally offered at -40 or even -50%.
On a full shopping cart, I can save around ten euros most of the time. Or €40 over the month and €480 full year savings!
The other special offers, when they are interesting, also offer discounts that are worth it.
In the end, during the year, all the cumulative promotions allow me to make €600 in savings .