Magnesium chloride or nigari?
The benefits of these natural products are many.
Even if the two ingredients are quite similar, you still have to make a choice.
Not always easy to choose?
So what are the differences between magnesium chloride or nigari ?
We will try to guide you a bit.
Here are their advantages:
We often recommend magnesium chloride, which cures almost all minor everyday ailments.
But the nigari has very similar benefits.
You will find various advantages in nigari , compared to magnesium chloride:
- it is better assimilated by the body,
- it contains more mineral salts,
- it is unrefined, so it is 100% natural,
- it is cheaper,
- it keeps longer,
- it tastes better,
- it can also be used in cooking (especially Chinese and Japanese food),
- it is said to be more ecological, too.
It is exactly the same use as for magnesium chloride .
For all the little tips we give you, you can use either one.
You find it in the form of white flakes (chloride is powder) in sachets or packets.
It is sold in organic stores or on the Internet, like here for example.