For weeks my daughter has been asking me for slime.
You know, that kind of sticky dough that children love to play with....
But out of the question that I buy him something weird and super chemical!
So I decided to make it myself.
So I tested several natural recipes to make homemade slime .
And I ended up finding one that was super easy to make and that worked well.
Here is my homemade slime recipe without glue and without borax tested and approved by my children! Watch:
- 2 heaping tablespoons of blond psyllium
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch (Maïzena)
- 20 cl of cold water
- a few drops of food coloring (optional)
- 1 salad bowl
Preparation: 5 mins - Cooking: 2 mins
1. Pour the water into the bowl.
2. Add the blond psyllium.
3. Put the cornstarch.
4. Pour in the food coloring.
5. Mix.
6. Heat in the microwave for a minute.
7. Mix and continue cooking for a minute if necessary.
8. Let the dough cool by spreading it around the edges of the bowl so that it takes on its gooey texture.
There you go, your homemade slime is already ready :-)
Easy, fast and economical, right?
Now you know how to make homemade slime .
The result is really satisfying.
The texture is gooey and elastic, but it does not stick to the fingers.
I must say that it stretches quite well.
You see, it's really not worth running to the Grande Récré, Kingtoy, Gifi, Auchan, Oxybul ortoy Club to buy some.
Besides, you can customize it as you want.
Just add the food coloring that suits you:yellow, green, black, white, orange...
You can even add glitter to make kawaii slime!
It's a great activity to do with the kids.
I just insist on one point.
Let it cool well so that it is not too liquid and especially not to burn your fingers.
Not only is your DIY slime 100% natural ... But in addition it is edible!
Be careful, we didn't say it's good to eat;-)
But there is no danger of poisoning if swallowed.
Which is really reassuring when you have young children.
Why ? Because this recipe is without Cleopatra white glue and without borax.
There is also no laundry detergent, toothpaste, shaving foam or washing-up liquid that could create allergies in toddlers.
The other advantage of this homemade slime is that it is very super quick to make.
No need to wait for 2 days for the slime to form.
This is an undeniable asset, because you know like me that children are particularly... impatient!
And to keep it, it's simple.
Put it in a plastic box and keep it in the fridge.
In my opinion, you can keep it like this for a week.
Be aware that over time DIY slime becomes less elastic.
But it retains its particular soft and jelly texture.
Adding cornstarch gives a fairly thick texture.
With these natural products and these proportions, we arrive at a soft, elastic product, but which remains compact.
What I like is that it doesn't stick to my fingers.
That being said, nothing prevents you from making your own experiments by modifying the quantities.
This allows you to change the texture without any.
Generally, the homemade slime recipe consists of water, borax and glue.
All of these ingredients are readily available commercially. And they are not expensive.
But on the other hand, they are not natural.
Admittedly the glue, in particular Cleopatra or Elmer's, is formulated so that children can use it.
But it is not recommended as long as it is in prolonged contact with the skin.
Especially that of toddlers who is fragile and sensitive. This could be the cause of allergies.
And obviously, it is not at all desirable to eat it!
And what about borax?
Borax is a powerful natural mineral cleanser.
It has bleaching and disinfecting properties.
And it is also effective in deodorizing and removing stains.
But it must be handled with care. You must wear gloves when using them.
It should not come into contact with the skin.
And it should not be swallowed even in small quantities.
Borax can be harmful for pregnant women.
It can also cause allergic reactions or eczema attacks.
So why take risks with children's health?
Our homemade slime recipe is a super natural alternative and safe for children.
And this regardless of their age!