You've probably heard of Black Friday> .
This year, it takes place on Friday, November 26.
Black Friday is a gigantic commercial operation with supposedly incredible promotions .
Incredible... But not necessarily true!
Black Friday invented by Amazon also poses a lot of problems:
Scam, overconsumption, waste...
Here are 6 good reasons not to buy anything during Black Friday on Amazon or elsewhere . Watch:
On paper, Black Friday seems interesting because it's a period of mega promotions.
So the logic is to say that we're going to make great savings, isn't it?
But be careful, there is a trap...
What if we told you that we can get scammed easily?
And yes, some traders do not hesitate to inflate prices 1 month before the famous D-Day.
Then, they offer mega promos:- 50%, -70%, - 90%!
Crazy, isn't it? You don't believe me?
Each year the DGCCRF (the repression of fraud) pinpoints brands that cheat in this way.
And QueChoisir also warns against these fabulous false promotions such as this one:
As you can see, we announce a reduction of 320€ on a robot vacuum cleaner...
...when in fact the reduction is only 40€!
According to QueChoisir, these deceptive commercial practices are very common.
This is why Black Friday is compared to a "nest of bogus promotions ".
So it's time to refuse these scams and stop being fooled!
The solution ? We are wary of promotions that are too enticing.
Before buying anything, we check ourselves that it is a real good plan.
How? 'Or' What ? The trick to not being fooled is simple:
A month before Black Friday, I note the prices of the products that interest me.
Once the date arrives, I simply compare the prices I noted.
That way, I know exactly if the displayed discount is fake or not.
It's mathematical:who says big promotions, says buying frenzy!
We are excited by all these pseudo bargains...
We don't want to miss such great deals!
And in the end we buy a lot of stuff that we don't need at all...
€5.9 billion are spent each year during Black Friday....
Mind-blowing, isn't it?
But in my experience, we blow up the credit card and we quickly regret it.
It's a blow to find yourself in debt... And to have a difficult end of the month!
To avoid falling into this buying frenzy, there is an easy trick.
Just wait 2 days before making a purchase.
Do we want something? We'll wait a bit...
That way, we are sure that we really need this good... Or that we really want it.
That way, you don't give in to an uncontrolled buying frenzy caused by aggressive ads.
And the best way to save everyday money ... is not to spend! Think about it!
The Black Friday system favors big brands and businesses on the internet.
For example:Amazon, Cdiscount, Ikea, Boulanger, Samsung, Zara, Carrefour...
It is rare that the corner trader or local artisan can match the bargain prices.
For these local businesses, Christmas is the period when they make their biggest turnover .
However, Black Friday deprives them of this end-of-year income.
The solution?
This year, why not choose to shop at an artisan near you who manufactures locally his merchandise?
The good news is that there are more and more.
One of the biggest promoters of Black Friday is Amazon .
It is this e-commerce platform that popularized this trend.
It's true that buying on Amazon is easy, fast and super convenient.
And even more during Black Friday!
But behind this American giant, the social reality is far from rosy.
Work rates are very high. Everything is timed and controlled.
Sustained pace, high workload... As a result, work accidents are numerous.
And the salaries of the employees are very low...
...while Amazon boss Jeff Bezos is one of the richest men in the world!
Not to mention that Amazon practices excessive tax optimization.
Concretely, this means that they pay no tax in France...
...and this, despite a turnover of 4 billion euros in Europe in 2020!
Less taxes means less money to finance our hospitals and public schools.
So many good reasons to shop close to home to avoid encouraging this system!
Buying more and more stuff is overconsumption.
And let me tell you a good thing...
It's not good for your bank account or our planet.
Not convinced?
So, let's talk about some numbers:
- In France, 500 million items of clothing are thrown away !
And 60% of French people have clothes (or objects) in their closets that they never use. I admit, I'm one of them, aren't you?
Globally, that's 4 million tons of clothes thrown away... While we sell 5 million in Europe.
So do we really need to buy that umpteenth scarf or hoodie that will already be out of fashion next year?
- When you know that the fashion industry is the second most polluting in the world, it makes you think, doesn't it?
Did you know that it is responsible for 20% of water pollution ?
- OK, but you have to make gifts for the children , you will say to me...
Of course, but do we have to spoil them so much?
Seriously, do you think kids remember all the toys they got for Christmas year after year?
Instead, try to complete this challenge by giving 4 gifts per child. No more!
And instead, you save money for a trip, a family vacation or a great experience to do together!
So, simply saying no to the consumer society is easy.
You save more, you are less stressed and in the end, you are happier.
It's no secret.
Black Friday is an ecological disaster for the planet.
Most of the products sold on Black Friday have traveled around the world to reach us...
Not to mention the transport so that they are delivered right in front of our door...
Carbon footprint of these consumer goods is really very very bad.
And there is worse!
Amazon destroys millions of products unsold each year (3.2 million products in France in 2018 according to the CGT).
Insane waste and pollution! Why?
Because we buy too many products that are ultimately useless or that we neither need nor want.
In fact, many of these products are returned in a hurry due to the excitement of the promotions.
And you know what happens to these goods? They are destroyed!
So it is better to think carefully before buying anything and make a reasoned purchase.
If I tell you Valentine's Day, Halloween and Black Friday...
What do they have in common?
The answer is that all these practices are imported from the United States backed by aggressive marketing and advertising campaigns.
Fortunately, there is good news.
It's because we used to do very well without Black Friday and we weren't the worse for it.
Because in France, there are sales and a whole host of promotions throughout the year.
So why not just take the opportunity to buy the items you really need at a good price?
The solution ? You just have to organize a little to pay less.
But don't worry, it's easy with this guide to buy at the best price, month by month.
You can also anticipate from one year to the next.
And instead of waiting until the last moment, do your shopping right after the Christmas holidays.
You will immediately make big savings.
It also works for any party:Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day...
There you go, now you know why it's better not to give in to the tempting, but deceptive temptations of Black Friday :-)
Moreover, more and more companies refuse to participate.
In France, nearly 200 companies oppose it, in particular for ecological reasons.
They come together in a collective 'Make Friday Green Again'.
And they want to encourage consumers to adopt more responsible consumption.
That is to say, consume less and better.
Do you know Green Friday?
It is a movement that denounces Black Friday and its consequences.
It invites consumers to sort through their belongings, repair what can be repaired, donate or recycle.
Once you have taken all these precautions and are aware of all these limitations...
It is possible to make real bargains with Black Friday.
To start, you have to check the prices before the promo to compare them with those practiced during Black Friday.
That way, you're sure not to be fooled.
But that's not all. You have to buy what you need.
Just because it's cheaper doesn't mean you have to buy everything!
On the other hand, if you want to make a gift that you have identified in advance, or if you need an object...
Then it's worth checking if the price of your item has really dropped.
- For example, this year, my vacuum cleaner failed me 10 days ago. I'm waiting for Black Friday to buy a new one... and save money.
So, instead of paying €99.99, I pay €59.00, or €40 less. Nice economy, right?
- And I also spotted a great gaming headset that will make someone happy under the tree. I spotted these headphones about 10 days ago at 129€. They are now at 87.90€.
So I know I'll save a little over $40 thanks to a 30% discount on the original price.
- Same for these top-of-the-range wireless headphones at €280 that will make a great gift:I'm saving €31 on the original price because they are now sold at 249€!