It's back to school! And not just for kids...
For teachers too!
Storage of the classroom, binders and materials, preparation of activities, organization of the office...
Whether in kindergarten or in CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 or CM2... It's a hell of a job.
Do not panic ! We have selected for you 25 easy and inexpensive tips for getting organized in the classroom.
Here are 25 genius tips for getting organized as a teacher . Watch:
To discover: 29 Cartoons That Show How Smartphones Have Taken Control Of Our Lives.
If you want all the phones handed to you at the start of each lesson, use this system. Count each student as "present" only if their phone is in the pocket assigned to him.
To discover: Teens DO NOT NEED Social Media (Facebook, Instagram...).
Of course, if the tablecloths are thin, they can tear if the students spend their time pinning and removing the sheets. You can then put two layers of plastic tablecloth if necessary. The tutorial here.
To discover: 21 Amazing Uses of Chalk You Should Know.
To discover: How To Easily Remove Stuck On Stickers WITHOUT SCRATCHING.
You can also use large popsicle sticks to write questions on. When a child lacks inspiration to write , he draws a stick and answers the question in writing. It will inspire the kids! The tutorial here.
To discover: My 6 School Tips to Help Your Child Succeed in School.
The decoration of the pockets is completely optional. You can even let your students decorate the outside of their own folders. The tutorial here.
To discover: 14 Ingenious Ways to Reuse Cardboard Boxes.
And use punched clear pockets to make erasable whiteboards cheap. Really awesome, isn't it? If you want to make the clear sleeves more rigid, you can insert a piece of cardboard behind the sheet of paper.
To discover: 10 Uses for Sponges Nobody Knows.
If you find the terry look ugly, you can cover them with fabric .
To discover: Thoroughly clean your computer keyboard in 5 minutes.
In addition, they stack without problem and students can take them easily. Do you have any doubts about their stability? Put small protective pads (like the ones you use to keep furniture from sliding) on the bottom of each tray, where they might touch other trays.
To discover: Kids Love Foam Paint! Discover the Homemade Recipe Here.
Practical and fun for kids ! The tutorial here.
To discover: If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Don't Know These 9 Simple Tricks.
Not that you lose your students, but it's always useful for especially busy days.
To discover: Top 36 FUNNIEST Student Copycats, It's Bordering on Genius!
This tip can also be adapted for mathematics practice . The tutorial here.
To discover: How To Multiply Large Numbers In Your Head WITHOUT A Calculator.
To discover: 10 Super Easy Ideas To Make A Mini Greenhouse For FREE.
Convenient for school outings ! It avoids losing the badges.
To discover: The Lost Child Bracelet Every Parent Needs To Know.
That way it's easy to see at a glance if there are enough for each group.
To discover: 27 Ways to Reuse Old Crayolas. Don't Miss #17!
A classic, of course. Ideal for children's autonomy in class ! The tutorial here.
To discover: After School Schedule:The Colorful Clock to Help Kids Get Organized.
Then, of course, store them in plastic bins. That way it's quick to grab everything you need.
To discover: If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Don't Know These 9 Simple Tricks.
It's a bit like an abacus made with chenille pipe cleaners. The tutorial here.
To discover: The Revolutionary Trick To Learn ALL The Multiplication Tables.
When the students come back to class, just tell them to go check in the box what they missed.
Super practical for making interchangeable labels for letter trays. Plus, at the end of the day, you can easily use the clipboard to take that bin's stack of papers home, should you need it.
To discover: 20 Surprising Uses of Clipboards.
It's perfect for making a storage cabinet for classroom materials and children's workbooks.
To discover: 17 Clever Ways to Use Storage Cubes.
You can also use plastic tablecloths cheap, provided you fix them well.
To discover: 17 Clever Ways To Repurpose Cardboard Boxes.
This keeps the return date in mind and gives kids the chance to return their book as soon as they finish it...before they forget!
To discover: The Incredible Benefits Of Reading Everyone Should Know.
To discover: My 4 School Tips To Make Your Child Love School.
No more running around the class to get a marker !
To discover: A Storage For Colored Pencils You Can't Do Without.