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Choose a class A+ washing machine to save 400 euros.

Choose a class A+ washing machine to save 400 euros.

You intend to buy a washing machine and you are looking for to save money? Don't be fooled by the lower prices of class C washing machines!

When you make the decision to buy a washing machine, it is not done lightly!

Choose a class A+ washing machine to save money over time as the initial price difference is more than offset by the savings on electricity during use.

No more doubt, the class A+ washing line is the one you need to make great savings!

Do you have a class C washing machine? After reading this tip, are you considering buying an A+ class washing machine? How about we discuss it in the comments.

Savings Achieved

To see the savings made over time, compare a class A+ washing machine sold for 500 euros and consuming 200 kWh per year, with a class C washing machine sold for 450 euros and consuming 400 kWh/year.

Over an average service life of 20 years, the class C washing machine will have cost you 800 euros in electricity compared to 400 euros for the class A+ washing machine!

Proof that your purchase will pay for itself over time!