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An inexpensive crib mobile to make.

An inexpensive crib mobile to make.

Baby is coming soon and you want him to have the cutest rooms… without spending a fortune! This is a very simple idea to make a unique mobile.

We are all gaga even before the baby arrives, and we want his room to be as beautiful as possible. Specialized stores are well aware of this and sell the smallest objects to us at exorbitant prices.

So rather than spending a fortune on accessories and decoration, why not take advantage of the time you have left before giving birth to make a baby mobile?

4 small steps to make a baby mobile yourself

1. Start by choosing a few small figurines which you like. They can be cartoon characters, such as Winnie the Pooh, The Little Mermaid or Little Brown Bear, or simply silhouettes, such as fairies or elves, or even shapes (stars and moons for example).

2. Trace them (or go for the full drawing if you have drawing skills that I don't have!) and transpose them on cardboard a little thick, preferably in different colors (if it is basic, paint it in bright colors or cover it with crepe paper).

3. Then cut out these shapes using a craft knife. Drill a hole at the top each shape, slip a piece of fishing line through it and tie a knot. Repeat for each shape with a different length of yarn.

4. Fix all the shapes on a support of your choice (I opted for a twisted hanger to give it the shape I wanted, but it can work with pieces of wood, which you paint different colors) and attach everything to the ceiling just above the cot.

Baby will have a unique and original mobile , which will have cost you almost nothing since everything is recycled!

Savings Achieved

I have seen mobiles displaying up to 35 euros in stores... With this "homemade" idea, your little one will have an unusual object, made according to your tastes and desires. Why deprive yourself of it?

What do you think of my tip for making a baby mobile on your own? Do you have any other ideas for making a cool baby mobile? Share them in comments.