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Is Shopping Online Really Cheap?

Is Shopping Online Really Cheap?

Many French people have converted to the cybermarket solution.

Just one question arises...

Shopping online, is it really economical?

E-shopping in Expansion

Shopping on the Internet has become easier and most major retailers now offer this option. But what is it really? Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of e-shopping.

Online food and household shopping is becoming more and more popular. Already more than 25 million online buyers in France. But what are the real benefits? We asked the question to our Internet users on our Facebook page. Here is the summary.

1. The PLUS

- More speed :"The longest thing is to choose the products online the first time" explains Laetitia but after all is faster:"You can save your shopping list and it makes the following shopping easier". We just have to check the products we want to buy in the list of products ordered the previous time.

- More savings :Yannick is delighted with the online purchase because she is very greedy, she no longer lets herself be tempted by all the products she came across before when she was shopping at the supermarket. It saves a lot of money.

- Less stress :Nathalie is also delighted to no longer be stupefied by going shopping. The noise and especially music pollution of supermarkets is frankly exhausting "to the point of forgetting 3/4 of things to flee as quickly as possible" she protests. By doing your shopping on the Internet, you stay in your cocoon, very quiet at home. We then feel less attacked and more focused on our races.

- Prices are unchanged and the consumption deadlines respected, reassures us Margot, coursophobe. "There is no lizard"!


- Lack of completeness in the products:Sonja admits having tried it but she was quickly disappointed. Unable to find her usually store-bought products, she didn't want to switch brands just to shop online. Which I completely understand.

- Quality of fresh products :From my side, I will just add a downside too. I can no longer choose my own fruits and vegetables and I am very frustrated. I've had some rather green bananas or rock hard avocados a few times. Online shopping yes, but by selecting the right products for this mode of shopping.

We could also add the lack of human contact (but there are many other occasions), or even the doubt about the respect of the cold chain (but here again, I imagine that there are adequate strict standards Too naïve, me?)

Have you ever tried online shopping? What do you think ? Come testify in comments.