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5 Marketing Techniques to Know, to no longer be fooled by Stores.

5 Marketing Techniques to Know, to no longer be fooled by Stores.

Stores have techniques to make us spend more. There are a thousand and one little things that we do not notice, but which nevertheless act on our unconscious and push us to consume. Here are 5 that you can easily avoid!

1 - The Size of Carts

Psychologically, having huge caddies pushes us to fulfill them. It sounds silly, but with a big cart, you have more space, and therefore don't feel like you have a lot of products when the cart is half full.

You can take a smaller cart to force themselves to buy less. However, when shopping for the whole family, it would take several and it quickly becomes restrictive. In fact, you just have to be aware of this tendency to want to fill the shopping cart , and we won't be fooled again.

2 - The Atmosphere

If supermarkets put on music, it's not to please their cherished customers. This is to create a pleasant atmosphere and relaxed. In this way, consumers feel confident, and do not want to leave right away. As a result, we walk around, we stroll, and we buy more!

Similarly, the pyramids at the top of the shelf, the colorful stands, or the large banners take us away from our objectives . Thus, being more distracted, we consume even more.

The solution would be to concentrate on what we have to do. Watch out for the heads in the air! If we focus on the shopping list, we are not, or less influenced by these processes. Personally, I try to define quite precisely what I'm going to do before leaving, so I spend less time in the store, and I are less likely to be tempted .

3 - The Fitting Rooms

In a clothing store, we try on, and we wonder if the article suits us well, if it enhances us. Precisely, everything is studied so that this is the case. The light, the space left by the size of the cabin, the details are calculated to make us buy the garment tried.

Therefore, I, before buying, look at myself from several angles , in several mirrors if possible, and I ask my friends how they find me, In this way, I have several points of view and I can judge more objectively.

4 - The Samples

We often see stands where we are given a taste, try products for free. Each time I say to myself "It's not binding, why not!" But these samples are made for us to condition the purchase . Once again, we put ourselves in the buyer's condition. After having tasted, we are about to consume, and we consume more .

So at the supermarket, since I know that I systematically refuse to taste these free samples. I try not to let myself be influenced by these little techniques.

5 - Loyalty Cards

These cards are very often free and easy to make in stores. It's the same idea, we tell ourselves that it does not commit to anything, and we do it while thinking about the reductions we can obtain. Indeed, loyalty cards entitle you to discounts, but they are still quite negligible .

I try to avoid loyalty cards in shops. When I make one, I receive a lot of emails that I never read, and advertisements in my mailbox that I throw away.

But, unconsciously, by dint of seeing the name of the brand everywhere, I integrate this name. For example, I have a Devred card, and strangely when I have to buy clothes, I automatically think at Devred. According to statistics, loyalty cardholders spend 30% more than the others. So it does not commit to anything to take one!

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