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Why do I Sort through my Wardrobe before the Sales?

Why do I Sort through my Wardrobe before the Sales?

Sales soon:good deals and the right to crack for me THE little black dress that I absolutely need!

But before heating up the bank card, to avoid unnecessary expenses, a prerequisite:sort through my closet to find out what I really need.

Sorting is making categories :So I start with the easiest, keep what I wear, and discard what I no longer wear. So far so good! Then I make two piles with the clothes from the second category.

Give or Sell?

Why do I Sort through my Wardrobe before the Sales?

And I didn't say "throw"! We women don't like to see a holey sweater that we once loved end up in the trash.

So, again, I make two piles :which is a bit damaged but can be salvaged by charities , and what is in good condition and which I can share with my friends, my daughter or my sister-in-law.

And for what is almost new, without a hitch and without stain of course, I organize a barter session , or I put it on sale on ebay or leboncoin , photo in support, or even in a consignment store! And I collect a few euros to buy on sale.


Why do I Sort through my Wardrobe before the Sales?

Recycling is also for clothes…I still love this skirt, but is it a bit too long? This jacket is nice but really not very cheerful? It's up to me to retouch and customize…

I can also lengthen these pants, change the buttons on this coat, sew a ribbon on this sweater, and here they are on top for a new season.

Make an assessment

Why do I Sort through my Wardrobe before the Sales?

A little review is in order before tackling the sales:to spend well , knowing what you really need is essential.

I now know what I have and what I miss, but also :

> what style suits me

> colors that don't suit me at all.

I can write down what I will buy first …And since I've emptied my cupboards and absolutely want to be filled, I'm going to be able to give in to my crush and replace some of what I got rid of, guilt-free!

Do you have any techniques for sorting through your wardrobe? We are waiting for your advice in the comments.