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5 Products You Should Buy in Bulk to Save Money.

5 Products You Should Buy in Bulk to Save Money.

Did you know buying in bulk can save you big?

You could do a lot of good for your wallet. It is enough to target certain everyday products, to buy them in bulk.

So on your next visit to Metro, here are the products you should take as a priority to lighten the bill:

5 Products You Should Buy in Bulk to Save Money.

1. Toilet paper

It seems that, in the future, we will no longer need toilet paper, but in the meantime, it is very useful. And buying it in bulk saves you an average of 50% compared to the standard price in stores.

Plus, toilet paper doesn't expire, so your only limit is space in your bathroom.

2. Toothbrushes

You can buy 2 toothbrushes for €5 in your usual store, or you can buy them in bulk:6 for €10. It's up to you.

In any case, having a pack of toothbrushes is always useful, especially since dentists recommend changing them regularly. And what's more, you can recycle the old ones for the household.

3. Laundry

We invent enough excuses not to do the laundry, so much so that the price of the product does not add to the list. Buying the extra large laundry packs saves you nearly €1 on a 5kg wash, which is not to be despised.

4. Layers

If you have kids, you probably already know the sad truth:babies poop a lot. In fact, parents spend an average of $1,000 a year on diapers.

So buy that in bulk, and you'll save up to $300 a year. We bet you won't spit on it!

5. Meat

Do you think meat is too perishable to buy in bulk? But no. It freezes very well. So you can buy as many as you want!

As long as the meat is well wrapped (no air in the bag), it can be kept for up to 9 months:beef is the most resistant, then chicken and pork has the shelf life. the shortest.

To discover: How Long Can You Keep Food in the Freezer? The ESSENTIAL Practical Guide.

Whatever the meat, cut it into small portions before freezing it. This will avoid throwing away the leftovers.

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick to save money? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!