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19 Uses of Vodka Nobody Knows.

19 Uses of Vodka Nobody Knows.

If you enjoy vodka, you know its smooth taste makes it a of the best alcohols to prepare cocktails.

But did you know that vodka has many uses other than making cocktails?

Thanks to its surprising uses, you will realize that it is always useful to have a bottle of vodka in reserve.

Without further ado, here are the 19 surprising uses of vodka:

19 Uses of Vodka Nobody Knows.

1. Painless dressing removal

Alcohol is a powerful solvent that acts quickly on the adhesive of the dressing.

To remove a bandage painlessly, soak it in vodka.

2. Clean the silicone gaskets

Are your silicone seals (shower, bathtub, etc.) attacked by mould?

Be aware that vodka kills all mold. Fill a spray bottle with vodka. Spray the vodka on the silicone seals. Leave on for 5 minutes then clean with a cloth or sponge.

3. Clean eyeglass lenses

Vodka can also be used to clean the lenses of your glasses.

Dampen a clean, soft cloth with vodka. Clean your glasses with this cloth. The alcohol in vodka kills and eliminates all bacteria.

4. Extend the life of your razor

Vodka can significantly extend the life of your razor. Indeed, the alcohol disinfects the blades and prevents them from rusting.

Fill a small glass with vodka. Dip your razor (blade side) in this glass when not in use.

5. Clean vomit stains

Thanks to its cleansing and disinfecting properties, vodka is particularly effective in removing vomit stains.

Fill a spray bottle with vodka. Thoroughly spray the vomit stain. Scrub with a scrub brush. Blot dry with a dry cloth.

6. Tighten the pores of your face

Do you know that vodka can be used to cleanse and smooth oily skin?

Thanks to its astringent properties, it is effective in tightening dilated pores on the face. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face to cleanse it and tighten pores.

7. Revitalize hair

It's one of the lesser-known uses for vodka — but it's extremely effective.

Vodka deeply cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from the hair and stimulates healthy hair growth.

Add 4 cl of vodka to your usual shampoo. Use it like a normal shampoo and enjoy the benefits of vodka on your hair.

8. Make a homemade ice pack

Ice packs are known to soothe and relieve muscle pain.

Although they are effective, their price is high.

Fortunately, there is an easy and inexpensive solution:homemade ice packs.

You need 10 cl of vodka, 10 cl of water, 1 freezer bag (we recommend this model of reusable freezer bag).

Pour the vodka and water into the freezer bag. Put the bag in the freezer and use it as an ice pack. Ice packs have 2 advantages. For one, they are reusable. On the other hand, vodka makes ice malleable. This means that you can easily adapt it to the contours of the painful area.

9. Relieve muscle pain

In pharmacology, tinctures are the dissolution of a substance in alcohol.

You can enjoy the relaxing benefits of lavender by dissolving it in vodka.

Fill a clean jar with lavender flowers. Fill the rest of the jar with vodka. Close the jar tightly and expose it to the sun for 3 consecutive days. Use a coffee filter to strain the lavender from your homemade tincture. Apply this tincture on your muscular pains, using a cotton wadding.

10. Make a mouthwash

You can also use vodka as a mouthwash.

You need 25 cl of vodka, 9 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and a jar.

Pour the vodka and cinnamon into the jar. Shake the jar and set it aside in a cool, dry place for 15 days. Filter this mixture using a coffee filter. To use, pour some of this mixture into a glass and add hot water. Warning:like all mouthwashes, do not swallow this mixture!

11. Treat cold sores

Next time you have a cold sore, try drying it up with this home remedy.

Using a cotton swab, apply vodka directly to the cold sore. Repeat the applications until the pimple disappears completely.

12. Disinfect bulbs

Blisters can be very painful. But when they burst, you also risk infection.

The vodka will not only disinfect the blister, but it also acts as an anesthetic to relieve the pain.

Just pour a little vodka on the blister that just popped.

13. Fight dandruff

There is a natural way with rosemary and vodka to fight dandruff.


You need 25 cl of vodka, 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed rosemary.

Mix rosemary and vodka in a jar. Set the jar aside for 2 days in a cool, dry place. Filter this mixture using a coffee filter.

Massage your scalp with this mixture:you have to let it dry completely for it to work.

To discover: The Amazing Remedy To Fight Dandruff In Hair.

14. Treat ear infections

Vodka kills the bacteria in your ear that cause earache pain.

Using a pipette, add a few drops of vodka to your ear. The ideal is to put your head on a table, so that the vodka does not flow. Let the vodka act on the bacteria for a few minutes. Then, turn your head to empty the vodka from your ear.

15. Bring down the fever

Vodka can also be applied to the skin to reduce fever.

Soak a washcloth or small towel in vodka. Rub the washcloth over your chest and back to bring down the fever.

16. Eliminate bad foot odor

Here's a simple way to get rid of bad foot odor.

Wash your feet with vodka. Alcohol will kill odor-causing bacteria.

17. Calm jellyfish stings

An application of vodka acts as an anesthetic and disinfects jellyfish stings.

18. Eliminate poison ivy

If you are traveling or living in North America, watch out for poison ivy when hiking.

Indeed, this plant causes an extremely irritating allergic reaction when touched.

Fortunately, there is an easy and handy remedy:vodka.

Pour vodka over the affected area. The vodka removes the irritant sumac from your skin.

19. Alleviate toothache

While waiting for your dental appointment, there is a little vodka-based remedy to ease toothaches.

Rinse your mouth with vodka. Let the gums absorb the vodka for its numbing properties to take effect.


There you go, you know all the surprising uses of vodka.

Do you know of any other surprising uses for vodka?

Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to discover them!