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A Clever New Way To Give Christmas Gifts.

A Clever New Way To Give Christmas Gifts.

Christmas is a happy family time that everyone loves .

But it's also a time that can be stressful.

Because finding a gift for each member of the family without blowing their budget is a feat...

Instead of trying to find a gift that's worth the cost, why not treat yourself to a Gift Exemption Certificate?

The idea is simple and based on sharing rather than overconsumption.

Instead of offering a material gift that won't necessarily please, why not offer an activity to do together ?

If you like the idea, we've created a sample Gift Exemption Certificate to give to each of your loved ones.

This will exempt your loved ones from giving you a gift (and not the other way around!).

A Clever New Way To Give Christmas Gifts.

How to

1. Print the Gift Exemption Certificate by clicking here.

2. Complete the certificate by checking why you do not want a gift.

3. Include your name and the name of the person who will not need to buy you a gift.

4. Indicate what activity you would like to do instead with this person.


There you go, you've saved your loved ones stress and expense :-)

Of course, the certificate must be initiated by the person who does not wish to receive gifts, and not the other way around.

Do not decree overnight and without warning that no one will get a gift at Christmas. You risk a family drama...

Don't forget that this certificate obliges your loved ones not to give you a gift, but that does not exempt you from doing so (as long as you haven't also received a certificate).

The idea is to set an example this year so that, perhaps, next year other members of the family will also start.

7 reasons to offer a gift exemption certificate

1. This avoids giving unnecessary gifts.

2. It's a good way to say no to the consumer society.

3. This avoids wasting time in crowded shops during the holidays.

4. This saves money for the whole family.

5. It's a good way to spend time with loved ones to do a fun activity together.

6. This puts human contact back at the center of relationships.

7. It is an ecological gift, because you limit the CO2 emissions due to the manufacture, transport and packaging of the gifts.