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This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

No one can say for sure that there is a life form after death.

On the other hand, our body envelope could be at the origin of a new life cycle:that of a tree.

A Catalan designer has imagined a biodegradable funeral urn in which trees would grow thanks to the ashes of the deceased.

His goal ? Let trees replace graves in cemeteries!

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

It was by observing the trends of modern society that the Catalan designer Gérard Moliné had this idea.

Humans always have an irrepressible need to gather in memory of their loved ones who have passed away.

But the way they bury their dead is changing.

Burial is increasingly giving way to cremation. There are many reasons for this.

The influence of religions is certainly less important, but the cost of a traditional burial should not be overlooked either.

Others feel that cemeteries offer a sad and negative image of the afterlife.

A funeral urn =a tree

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

As a result, the appearance of cemeteries has changed in recent years.

The linear columbariums where the ashes of the deceased rest are gradually replacing the tombs.

Faced with these changes, Gérard Moliné proposes to give "a life after life", according to his slogan.

By creating a biodegradable urn, he offers everyone the possibility of being at the origin of a new cycle of life, that of a tree.

Indeed, thanks to this urn, the ashes of the deceased will feed a small tree shoot, symbol of his soul.

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

An ecological urn with an incubator

This is how Bios Incube was born:this biodegradable funeral urn fits into an incubator that allows you to follow the growth of a tree.

Indeed, a phone app to monitor the growth of the tree completes the concept of the young creative team.

Space-saving and scalable, the innovative and ecological urn will fit perfectly into an apartment, a house or a garden.

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

How it works ? The Bio Urn urn is placed in a larger pot called Bios Incube.

A sensor placed in the ground will provide information relating to the environment, the richness of the soil, the humidity to be sure that all the conditions are met for the tree to flourish.

All you have to do is add water, connect the app and... wait for it to grow.

A concept that appeals to nature lovers

According to the biblical expression, “dust thou art, unto dust shalt thou return” (Genesis 3:19). What better way to illustrate it?

This Biodegradable Urn Turns You Into A Tree After Life.

But this ecological alternative is likely to attract many more people than just believers.

All those who have respected the environment during their lifetime and who wish to make a last gesture for nature will feel concerned.

This original initiative inspires many nature lovers.

A first fundraiser took place on Kickstater and nearly €74,000 was collected from 356 contributors.

Check out the concept video below: