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How to Save Money? 6 Little Challenges to Try Right Away!

How to Save Money? 6 Little Challenges to Try Right Away!

Want to save money? You are quite right !

But saving money is not always easy...

No matter how hard we try... our good resolutions quickly fly away.

Yes, there are so many temptations that we tend to give in easily!

So to help you save money, we have listed 6 simple little challenges.

You will see, saving money now is easy! Watch:

How to Save Money? 6 Little Challenges to Try Right Away!

Challenge n°1:stop all spending for 1 week

The premise of this challenge is simple. For 1 week, we spend nothing . Not a penny, not a euro. NADA !!!

Well, we agree:we don't live on love and fresh water alone!

You have to buy food, pay bills, credits, gas and rent, etc.

But once these incompressible expenses have been made and if you have a little money left;-), don't spend any more!

The goal is to avoid at all costs:restaurants, cinemas, shopping, cafés on the terrace, sandwiches for lunch and even pastries for a snack!

It's up to you to complete this list according to your daily expenses.

It doesn't seem like it, but you quickly get used to these little daily luxuries. And all these small expenses end up weighing on the budget at the end of the month...

Thanks to this challenge, you will see that you will enjoy having a simple and minimalist life for a while.

We learn to love simple things (and free) and we focus on the present moment.

We make more things ourselves, like lunches at the office or cakes for afternoon tea.

We also discover that there are a host of activities that we can do without spending anything.

And even if we have children! You can always find dozens of free activities to keep them busy.

With this 1st challenge, we quickly realize one thing:we often spend our money on useless things .

We often say "money goes faster than it comes in". But we have to admit that sometimes money burns our fingers!

And once you've completed this challenge, step up a gear and read our article on how to survive 1 whole month without any expense.

Challenge n°2:write down each of your expenses for the next 30 days

Admittedly, this may seem restrictive, but it's super effective for making a complete assessment.

Recording all of your cash outflows is the best way to take stock of what you're actually spending.

With this simple trick, you will become aware of the direct consequences of your expenses on your budget.

For example, when we go shopping, we tend to fall for things that are not essential ...

And without you even realizing it! But these small purchases weigh on the budget .

To avoid this problem, make a shopping list and follow it carefully.

And instead of cracking on the ice creams that cost an arm, make them yourself!

And don't forget to write down all your expenses with a free app on your phone or with a simple notebook and pencil, as explained here.

Writing down your smallest expenses for 30 days is the best way to be aware of what you spend.

At the end of the month, you will become more aware of your good and bad habits.

This will not only make you think, but it will also make it easier for you to reduce your expenses in the following months.

Challenge n°3:put all your change in a piggy bank

This is a easy and fun little challenge.

Take a piggy bank. If you don't have one, a simple jar will do. And every night when you get home, put your spare change in it.

It's even better to take a transparent jar. This way, you will see your savings increase before your eyes .

Put in the coins of 1 or 2 € or the coins of 20 centimes. Or sometimes nothing! It's not serious. No need to put pressure on yourself.

You will see, it goes super fast. You will quickly accumulate a nice little nest egg .

After a year, you will have collected a nice sum of money. Roll them up (available at the bank or post office) and deposit them in your savings account at the bank .

You can also use it to pay at the automatic checkout in a supermarket.

Challenge n°4:take up the 52-week challenge

It's an easy and effective method for those who find it difficult to save.

The principle is simple:you start by saving €1 the first week, €2 the second week, then €3 the third week, etc.

After 52 weeks, you will have saved €1378 ! Not bad, right?

Of course, you can start this challenge any time during the year. No need to wait for January 1st!

If your income doesn't save you that much money, that's okay.

You can divide the sums by two, start by putting aside 10 cents or stop when it gets too hard.

The main thing is to build up a little savings. All you have to do is deposit it in your savings account or go on vacation with it.

What's great about this method is that you put money aside without making too much effort and without upsetting your habits.

In the beginning, saving a few euros is easy and painless.

And then you're so motivated to see your savings grow that you're ready to make more sacrifices to save even more money.

Try it and you will see the result. Here is the table:

How to Save Money? 6 Little Challenges to Try Right Away!

Check out the trick here.

You can also take up another challenge:26 weeks to save €1000.

Challenge n°5:open an account in another bank and make a monthly automatic transfer

Are your account and savings account with the same bank?

So it's super easy to make a transfer from one account to another.

So easy that when you put money away, you are really tempted to take it back quickly ...

Don't worry, we all do the same!

Fortunately, there is a trick to stop touching your savings.

The trick that works is to open an account in another bank.

All you have to do is set up a monthly automatic transfer from your main account to this savings account.

Even if it's only 10 €, it's already a good start!

You will be less tempted to spend your savings, because they will simply be less easily accessible .

It's like going on a diet! If there's no chocolate at home... well, we don't eat it. Makes sense, doesn't it?

If you don't have your savings in your main account, you don't spend them! It's much easier that way.

And to avoid paying additional bank fees, study a comparison of banks.

Faced with competition, many online banks do not charge any management fees and open accounts or passbooks for free.

This is a good opportunity to reduce bank charges at the same time!

To discover: The Ranking of the 5 CHEAPEST Banks Where You Should Have an Account.

Challenge n°6:sell all the objects that you no longer use

It may seem obvious, but we don't always think of selling objects that we no longer use and gather dust .

However, it's a good way to save a little to start with.

So sort through your books, DVDs, CDs, furniture, appliances or electronics, video games, board games...

If you're hesitant to put an item up for sale, ask yourself this simple question:

"If I saw it in stores today, would I buy it?"

If the answer is no, look no further and sell it right away!

Of course, it also works with clothes. And if you don't know how to sort through your clothes, here's the trick that will help you.

Then go to a site like to sell them and make some money.

You can also participate in a garage sale or go to second-hand stores near you, such as Easy Cash, Cash Express, Happy Cash, Cash Converters.

Not only will you save money, but you will also have more space in your cupboards!

And after that, you can easily clean up.

It's surprising, but it feels good!

Bonus Tips

How to Save Money? 6 Little Challenges to Try Right Away!

So, are you ready to save money with these tips? Well done!

To keep up the momentum, here are plenty of other tips for saving money on a daily basis:

- 44 Ideas To Help You Save Money Easily.

- 17 Little Tips To Save A Lot Of Money.

- 21 Simple Tips To Save Money While Shopping.

Your turn...

Have you tried these little challenges to save money? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!