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6 Effective Tricks Against Squeaky Shoes.

6 Effective Tricks Against Squeaky Shoes.

Tired of squeaky shoes when you walk?

It's true that it's not very discreet shoes that make noise!

It's so disturbing, I've already discarded some of my favorite shoes!

However, there are simple solutions to prevent everyone from turning around when you pass.

These tricks work just as well whether you're walking down the street, on linoleum, or on tile.

Discover 6 tips to stop your shoes from squeaking instantly . Watch:

6 Effective Tricks Against Squeaky Shoes.

Where does the noise on the shoes come from?

To properly deal with squeaking shoes, you must first determine where the noise is coming from .

The sources of the squeak can indeed be multiple:friction of the laces, the sole, the heels... everything is possible.

And to help make a quick diagnosis, I do the same thing all the time.

I put on my shoes and rock back and forth, then left to right.

This lets me know exactly where the problem is.

After that, I just have to apply the various tips that I very generously give you below!

1. I put talcum powder in my shoes

One of the simplest techniques to prevent squeaks is to put talcum powder in the shoe.

Simply remove the sole and generously pour the talc on the area where the noise is heard the most.

Wait about 5 minutes then put the soles back in place.

The properties of talc will make it possible to neutralize humidity and therefore friction, noise factors.

If you don't have talc, you can also use corn starch or baking powder for the same result.

Walk around in your pair of shoes to see if the noise is gone.

If not, skip to Tip #2 below.

2. I use WD-40

If the talcum powder method doesn't get rid of the squeaks, I assure you, another solution exists.

This time it's about using WD-40 or silicone spray.

How can lubricants usually dedicated to oiling the mechanical cogs help us?

Well, know that these products work wonders on squeaky door hinges as well as on shoes!

In addition, their use is super simple.

First locate the area where the squealing noise is heard the most.

Then remove the soles of the shoes and spray WD-40 or silicone in them (or on the outsole if the noise is coming from there).

Wait a good 5 minutes for the product to take effect and put the soles back in place.

Put on the shoes and take them for a ride; the noises have normally disappeared!

Please note, do not apply oil-based products to suede materials.

3. Tips against squeaks caused by water

When you walk in the rain, some materials can soak up water and damage the shoe.

Squealing can then occur because the shoes are wet.

If you encounter this problem, don't panic and above all don't bother getting upset about your poor shoe.

I will give you the means to overcome these unbearable noises by drying your shoes quickly.

- If your shoes have taken on water, the 1st solution is to the pad with newspaper to remove moisture.

Put balls of newspaper inside your shoe and also surround the outside with it.

This technique is simple and super effective. Check out the trick here.

- You can alsolet your shoes dry naturally.

Start by removing laces and/or insoles so that the shoes dry faster.

Then place them against a wall upside down and outsoles exposed.

- A cedar shoe tree also allows you to effectively dry your shoes.

This utensil follows the original shape of the shoe and, because it is made of wood, absorbs moisture perfectly.

- If you are in a hurry, an object can save your life. This is a fan.

The cool air blowing over your shoes will indeed allow them to dry faster.

To do this, set your fan to full power and ensure that the air blows inside the shoes.

You can even tie the shoes directly to the fan using shoelaces or other utensils.

The breath of air produced is thus even better exploited.

Be careful though that neither your hands nor the laces get caught in the propellers!

- Finally, if you really need a super fast drying time, you can always go for the solution dryer.

Introduce the shoes entwined together as well as the parts that can be removed (soles, laces) into the drum.

Add a little fabric softener and leave to run for about 10 min.

Be careful though, putting shoes on for too long or too close to a heat source can deteriorate or shrink them.

You will have noticed that the solutions presented above all come after the damage is done.

So, to prevent these shoe moisture problems from showing up, consider waterproofing them before going out!

You thus treat the problem upstream and are no longer obliged to repair the damage.

Click here to find out how.

6 Effective Tricks Against Squeaky Shoes.

4. Against the squeaking of new shoes

New shoes often make annoying squeaks.

It could either come from the soles being too flat...

...or an insole that rubs against the inside of the shoe.

2 solutions are then available to you:

- If the soles of your new shoes are too smooth, you can rub the underside with sandpaper.

This simple little trick can make the squeaks go away.

But beware; even if this trick is effective and easy to perform, take it easy when you rub the sole!

Using this method also helps restore grip to your shoes. Check out the trick here.

- If the squeaks are not coming from the bottom of the shoe, another solution should be considered.

It consists of placing something between the insole and the shoe.

Concretely (don't laugh while reading what follows...), you can for example put toilet paper under the insole!

By doing this, you greatly reduce the sliding of the soles within the shoe and therefore the squeaking that goes with it.

5. Against the squeaks of old pairs of shoes

Be generous, old squeaky shoes also get a second chance at life!

Because yes, there are solutions so that our old favorite pairs of shoes no longer make noise.

- For example, you can use vaseline.

Just put a layer under the insole to stop friction in the shoe.

Result, no more unwanted squeaking! Be careful though, this solution only lasts a while.

- The squeaking of old pairs of shoes can also come from the wear of certain elements.

The sole or the heel, for example, can detach a little from the shoe.

In this case, you can use strong glue to reassemble certain parts of the shoe.

Simply pour a small layer of glue and wedge the elements well without touching them for a few hours.

If the squeaks were related to this type of problem, then you don't hear about them anymore.

6. Against squeaky leather shoes

Leather materials very often produce squeaks.

This may be because the leather is too dry or the fact that friction takes place against another leather element of the shoe.

2 very useful solutions can then be considered.

- Mink oil is one of the most effective and comprehensive remedies that can be applied.

This oil relaxes the leather, nourishes, protects and waterproofs the shoe.

For perfect use, first remove the dust present on your shoe with a microfiber cloth.

Using a sponge, pass a little oil on the leather using a few circular movements.

Finally, leave to rest for at least ten hours.

- Another solution can also be applied using saddle soap.

With a dry cloth, spread a very light amount of the product over the entire leather.

Saddle soap proves to be very valuable on squeaky tongues.

Be careful not to use saddle soap on suede materials.

Your turn...

Have you tried these 6 grandma's tricks to stop your shoes from squeaking? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!