Is your angora sweater losing hair?
This is unfortunately often the case with this type of wool.
It's very soft, angora wool... A real cozy cocoon!
But it puts hair everywhere, both on your pants and on the couch.
Fortunately, there is a simple trick to avoid this.
The trick is to put your angora sweater in the freezer for 3 hours in a freezer bag:
1. Carefully fold your angora wool sweater.
2. Pack it in a large freezer bag (or Ziploc bag).
3. Put the bag in the freezer for 3 to 4 hours.
4. Take the sweater out of the freezer and put it on.
There you go, your angora wool sweater now sheds much less hair :-)
This trick also works for angora gloves or any other garment of this material.
If you don't have a large size freezer bag, you can find one here.