Did you know that your fridge is the electrical appliance that consumes the most ?
Every time you open it, hot air enters the refrigerator.
As a result, the temperature inside increases, which consumes even more of your fridge.
Fortunately, there is an effective trick to reduce its consumption.
The trick is to put containers of water in your fridge:
1. Fill containers like water bottles and pots with water.
2. Place the maximum number of containers filled with water in the fridge to avoid empty spaces.
And now, with these water containers, you reduce the consumption of your fridge :-)
After each opening of the door, the containers filled with water allow your refrigerator to return to its temperature much faster.
Indeed, the temperature of water fluctuates much less quickly than in air. Thus, when you open the fridge door, the temperature in the water containers does not change.
Your fridge will now hurt your electricity bill less.