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How many times can a garment be worn between washes?

How many times can a garment be worn between washes?

I don't know about you, but I never know how many times I can wear a garment between washes.

This is true for both t-shirts and jeans.

So I searched the internet to find the answer.

I have grouped this information in a table to make it easy to use.

Here is the table to know how many times you can wear a garment between each wash. Watch :

How many times can a garment be worn between washes?

  • How to
  • Result

How to

- A jeans can be worn between 5 to 10 times unless it has visible stains.

- A sweater can be worn between 10 to 15 times . Knitwear can survive much longer.

- A sweatshirt between 2 to 5 times . And more if you count the weekends.

- A t-shirt should not be worn more than 1 time before being washed. You can go up to 2 non-consecutive times if you air it.

- A shirt should not be worn more than once before being washed. You can go up to 2 non-consecutive times if you air it out and hang it on a hanger.

- The underwear should not be worn more than 1 time . There are really no exceptions.

- The socks should not be worn more than 1 time . Again, no exception.

- A costume can be worn indefinitely if you brush it, air it out and give it a steam bath regularly.

- A coat can be worn indefinitely if you brush it, air it out and give it a steam bath regularly.


There you go, now you know how many times you can wear a garment between washes :-)

It's simple, practical and effective, isn't it?

No need to wonder whether you put your clothes in the dirty or not.

For my part, I quite agree with this table...

Even if sometimes I confess that I greatly exceed the number of times recommended!