Did you notice?
Big brands are changing trends and collections more and more frequently.
Why ? Quite simply to encourage consumers to buy more and more clothes.
On closer inspection, fashion has become a consumer product !
The only ones who benefit from this system are the big manufacturers, and this at the expense of underpaid workers in developing countries.
Fortunately, a promising movement is gaining momentum.
Today, more and more people choose to adopt a minimalist clothing style.
Admittedly, the minimalist clothing style is still far from mainstream. But, by adopting this lifestyle, many prominent personalities have succeeded in creating awareness among the general public.
As a result, more and more people are applying the principles of minimalism to the way they dress.
Of course, many skeptics still wonder why anyone would choose to dress the same way every day... Especially when it's not a question of money but a deliberate choice!
That's why I decided to share this list with you. To write it, I based myself on my own experience and I also studied the latest trends of the minimalist movement.
Ever wonder why successful people choose to dress the same way every day? Or, even better, do you also want to adopt a minimalist clothing style?
Do not look any further ! Here are the top 8 reasons that will convince you to adopt a minimalist clothing style:
The principle of "decision fatigue" is based on the fact that the more decisions a person makes (important or not), the more the quality of their decisions decreases.
For people who make a lot of important decisions every day, eliminating even the choice of clothes each morning allows them to be more serene, to focus more on the important things and therefore to be more productive. throughout the day.
It is precisely this logic that President Obama applies to his own style of dress. He explains his choice:“As you have surely noticed, I have a predefined style. I only wear gray or blue suits.
“I try to reduce the number of decisions that I have to take every day. I don't want to waste time or energy choosing what to eat or how to dress because I have too many decisions to make throughout the day. »
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, evokes the same motivations behind his minimalist clothing style.
In short, one less futile decision every morning leads to better decisions about the really important things.
It is only by getting rid of our possessions that we truly understand how much of a burden they are in our lives. But once you manage to free yourself from it, you immediately discover a new life — a life full of freedom and new perspectives.
Almost 10 years ago, I decided to test a new approach in my clothing choices. I decided to buy always the same clothes and to keep only a minimum of copies at home.
Only one type of jeans (this one), only one type of t-shirt (that one), only one type of sweater (that one), and only one type of underwear (you really want to know? OK those).
In total at home, I have 2 copies of these jeans, 10 copies of this t-shirt (in different colors), 4 copies of this sweater (in different colors), and 14 copies of these underwear (in different colors ).
I buy new clothes only when they are really torn or torn and I only buy these clothes during sales periods when there is a discount of at least -50% .
If one day you see me on the street, you have a 99% chance of seeing me dressed this way (unless I'm going to a wedding!).
If you need to put on a "tie suit" at the office, discover our trick to dress differently every day at the office with only 9 pieces of clothing.
It's a simple method that does a world of good and can literally change your life. By practicing this method, I very quickly understood that there is a huge advantage of having a limited choice of clothes:we save time, a lot of time and that every day.
So getting ready for my day every morning has become even easier, faster and more efficient . It takes me 2 min max.
Mathilda Kahl, who works in New York as an art director, dresses the same way every day.
If she has adopted this style of dress, it is mainly to avoid decision-making fatigue and to save time. But she also has another good reason:less stress .
Specifically, Mathilda is less stressed, as she no longer wonders during the day about the outfit she chose that morning.
“I don’t look overdressed? My outfit isn't too eccentric? My dress isn't too short? It had become systematic. Every morning, I chose an outfit and as soon as I got on the subway train, I regretted my choice! »
Now that Mathilda has found her "trademark" (a white silk blouse and black pants), she has completely eliminated this source of anxiety from her daily life.
Christopher Nolan is one of the most famous directors of his generation. He notably directed Interstellar and The Dark Knight Rises .
But it has been several years since he, too, understood that “spending time choosing how to dress each morning was a waste of energy”.
Today, he settled on one outfit for every day :a dark-colored jacket with narrow lapels, a blue-colored dress shirt, black trousers and comfortable shoes.
In this New York Times article , Christopher explains what he means by "loss of energy". Having too big a wardrobe requires too much decision-making.
But that's not all. It also requires more maintenance, more organization and even more time juggling your different clothes.
Of course, having identical clothes does not necessarily mean less of laundry to be washed. On the other hand, having identical clothes means that your laundry will be easier to wash and store .
Denaye Barahona is a young mother who lives in Dallas, Texas. Last spring, she finally decided to put her wardrobe in order, which was packed and a total mess.
She chose to swap all of her clothes for a small number of minimalist, hand-picked clothes that she loves to wear.
Here's how she describes the difference between then and now:"before reducing the number of clothes in my closet, choosing how to dress each morning was a bit like choosing a dish in a Chinese restaurant:many too many choices and many too much time.
“Before, getting dressed every morning was just exhausting. I had lots of choices. But in reality, most of my clothes weren't in my size, did not fit me well or no longer corresponded to my tastes.
“But now that I've adopted a minimalist style of clothing, it's like eating in a 3-star restaurant. There are fewer choices, but I'm sure I'm right!
“No matter what I choose to wear, I know that I will like it. Now I have more self-confidence and, moreover, I feel better. »
ease , flexibility and elegance . This is what you can expect when adopting a minimalist clothing style. It's not surprising that this movement is gaining more and more momentum!
Alice Gregory is a writer living in New York. In this article, she perfectly summarizes the motivations for wearing the same uniform every day.
She calls it:“being iconic. A simple and economical way to feel good about yourself. A uniform is a way to embody maturity or, though it's less laudable, to pass yourself off as someone mature.
She explains, “A uniform suggests to others that you have that sort of austerity and sense of priority that comes with age. Moreover, it also suggests a carefully considered approach:the ability to review and improve one's way of being . »
In her article, Alice also points out that wearing the same clothes every day is a good way to assert an instigator status.
“That's also the reason why the characters in the comics never change their look. Children — just like adults (even if they don't recognize it) — have a great need for stability .
“Wearing a uniform, that is to say wearing the same clothes every day, is not at all a lack of style. On the contrary, it's showing the world that we are beyond style , because it is a classification that no longer applies to us. »
Our closets are jam-packed with clothes and shoes we've bought but rarely worn.
In France, the average budget spent on clothing is €421 per year . At first glance, this amount does not seem very high. But if you look closely, you quickly realize that most of these purchases are not at all based on a real need.
In 1930, the average woman owned 9 complete outfits . Today, that number has risen to 30, that's the equivalent of a different outfit for each day of the month!
Having a minimalist dress style or adopting an iconic uniform really helps to avoid unnecessary purchases clothes (and the resulting waste).
Thus, we avoid buying clothes just to "try" a new look that very often does not suit us. Not to mention all the time wasted shopping for clothes that we will need to bring back later if they don't suit us...
Drew Barrymore, the famous Hollywood actress, recently wrote an article about her new relationship with clothes:
“First, I'm almost 40 years old. The clothes I wore when I was 20 no longer fit me at all. And after 2 deliveries, the clothes I wore at 30 no longer fit me.
“As far as my style of dress is concerned, it's as if I've reached a crossroads in my life. And frankly, at times, I admit that it is a little painful. »
To put an end to her existential sartorial crisis, Drew put her wardrobe on a minimalist diet. She sorts her clothes by hand and bare minimum shopping for her new clothes.
In just a few months, her wardrobe regained “her sanity and happiness”. Now choosing how to dress in the morning is no longer an exhausting headache like it used to be. Her style of dress corresponds to the person she has become, namely "calmer and more peaceful".
Admittedly, we live in a society drowned in the things we buy. But many people want to escape to gain freedom. These people are looking for new solutions to live better.
It's therefore not really surprising that more and more people are choosing to adopt a minimalist clothing style...
It is clear today that people who adopt this style of dress for their wardrobe become more productive, less stressed, less distracted, more frugal, and feel better about themselves.
So ? Maybe it's time to give it a try, right? :-)