From Monday, all nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools and the universities of France will be closed.
The cause:the coronavirus epidemic.
This was announced by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.
This concerns no less than 12 million French children! If the children are delighted with this news, for the parents, it's a bit of a panic...
How to organize? Should you pay your nanny or childminder? How to be compensated if we stay at home? How to organize the education of children?
Here are the answers to these questions that all parents ask themselves:
The closure of schools, colleges and nurseries will take place from Monday, March 16 in the morning.
The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, mentioned a period of at least 15 days of closure.
But it will probably be longer, probably several months!
Indeed, the Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, said that schools would probably be closed until the Easter school holidays.
"We will maintain these measures for as long as necessary, because we know that if children do not develop any serious form of the disease, they also spread it very quickly t", he said.
The Minister of Education goes in the same direction by stating that the children would probably stay at home until spring break.
Remember that the Easter holidays begin on April 4 for zone C (Créteil, Montpellier, Paris, Toulouse, Versailles).
Obviously, if the children are at home, someone has to take good care of them.
And this time, hard to ask the grandparents to stick to it!
As a result, one of the parents will have to stay home to look after them.
Fortunately, the government has made it known that the parent who stays at home to take care of their child(ren) will be compensated 100%.
For this, a simplified work stoppage will be issued to him. To benefit from it:
- the child to be cared for must be under 16 years old.
- Only 1 parent can apply.
- you must attest on your honor that the other parent has not made a request on his side.
- this approach is only valid if the parent looking after the children cannot telecommute.
And of course, in this case, you don't need to be sick to benefit from this exceptional sick leave.
If you meet these conditions, your employer cannot refuse you this sick leave.
You should also know that there are no waiting periods.
The work stoppage will begin on the 1st day of the stoppage and can last for the moment for 20 days.
It is up to the employer to take the steps on the Ameli site:this is the home support declaration.
Find all the official information on the website.
Many children are in joint custody when the parents are separated or divorced.
So which of the two parents benefits from the home support system?
According to Health Insurance, "the work stoppage can be shared between the parents. It is possible to split it by filling out a request for each of the stop periods ".
This allows each parent to benefit from this device and to better distribute the roles between the two parents.
The parent who is not affected by home care is invited to telecommute.
The President of the Republic has also encouraged companies and their employees to organize themselves to promote teleworking.
This avoids contact between people, travel on public transport and thus limits the spread of the virus.
Telecommuting can also make childcare easier. Even if it is not always easy to combine the two!
Companies are going to have to be more flexible and show tolerance.
The Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud estimated on France Info that this solution concerns "about 1 job in 3".
For just over 70% of companies, a simple agreement between the employee and his management is enough.
This agreement can be oral or taken in writing or by email.
Single parents who do not have childcare or cannot telecommute can also benefit from a 14-day work stoppage.
According to Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State for
Recall that in this case it is not necessary to consult a doctor.
It is the employer who must do the process directly.
During his speech, the President of the Republic mentioned "a guard service" set up "region by region".
But this service is set up to allow parents whose jobs are essential to the survival of the country, such as nursing staff, to be able to continue working.
It is likely that service access will be very limited. In addition, some nurseries could mobilize to accommodate the children of caregivers.
Just because the kids are staying home doesn't mean they're on vacation. Well, not quite!
Children will be able to follow distance learning courses on the My class at home site.
This platform of the CNED (national center for distance learning) offers courses for a duration of 4 weeks which range from kindergarten to terminale.
In general, teachers also organize themselves to transmit lessons and exercises to be done during this period by email or via the Pronote platform.
There are still many unanswered questions...
Thus, the doubt still remains as to whether parents will have to pay for crèches or micro-crèches when their little ones stay at home.
In Paris, the decision is made:parents are exempt from childcare costs from Monday, March 16.
On the other hand, the salary of childminders must be maintained.
Because liberal childminders who welcome children to their homes "are not affected to date" by the restrictions, as explained by Anne Alauzen, director of maternal child protection (PMI) at the Hérault departmental council.
Because they only take care of a few children at the same time (usually a maximum of 3).
Group sports lessons (children and adults) also seem to be suspended gradually.
This is particularly the case for group tennis lessons. So check with your club to find out if the training sessions are maintained.
9. And businesses, craftsmen, merchants...?
The government has also announced a number of measures to help businesses get through this difficult time.
This is in particular the deferral of taxes and partial unemployment.
The information is available on the website of the Ministry of the Economy. You can also consult them by downloading this pdf.
Moreover, if you are self-employed (self-employed or farmer) and you have to stop working to look after your children, you must declare your stoppage directly on the employer page of the website.