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Date of the 2011 summer sales and tips for smart shopping.

Date of the 2011 summer sales and tips for smart shopping.

This year's summer sale starts a week earlier. Let's go for discount shopping from June 22th. We took the opportunity to take stock of our good plans for buying smart during the sales.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 , it's the start of the sales. The date is advanced compared to the other years which started the sales session a week later.

How to take full advantage of the sales?

1. Do your spotting . Have you been coveting the trendy top blouse all season long, but couldn't afford it? Keep the idea and come back when the sales are cheaper. This will also allow you to wait a little before buying and therefore to be sure of your purchases.

2. Shop online. The sales can also be found online, and this year they start at the same time as in stores.

And why not take advantage of sales on foreign sites? In England for example, the sales start earlier, go now. There are even discounts all year round on these foreign sites, such as the site TopShop for example.

3. Wait until the sales end. Let's be patient and wait for at least the second markdown to take advantage of real discounts. There may be a little less choice, but the clothes you find there will be great bargains.

4. Buy clothes in a discount store. Discount stores sell designer clothes at deep discounts all year round, so imagine during the sales. You can buy Diesel jeans for not even 10 euros.

And you, what are your tips for taking full advantage of the sales? Tell us in your comments.