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A tip for cheaper car insurance.

A tip for cheaper car insurance.

When you own a car, insurance is a real budget annual. Our trick is to closely monitor the evolution of your insurance over time in order to save several hundred euros.

When buying a car, you don't necessarily think of all the costs can be linked. Insurance is one of them, and it is important not to forget it over time.

Indeed, a lot of people make the same mistake :they keep the same insurance throughout the life of their automobile. However, when the car ages, its value continues to decrease.

This also applies to your insurance , its value decreases normally the passing years.

So, if your car has already been on the clock for a few years and is still insured "all risks", do not hesitate to find out if there are other subscriptions more suitable for your situation.

Third-party insurance can be a good alternative now that your vehicle is no longer new.

Also, the change of service provider after a few years is sometimes a good way to save several hundred euros. Playing with the competition often pays off because there are bound to be solutions more suited to your current situation.

I did it myself a few months ago, when I felt that my insurance no longer corresponded to my use and the age of my car (4 years old). The change of provider allowed me to obtain new, more interesting coverage (third-party insurance with additional cover against theft and fire) and save more than 200 euros .

Now that you know the trick, are you thinking of switching insurers to save money?

A tip for cheaper car insurance.

Savings Achieved

As we said in the introduction, insurance for your car represents atrue annual budget . So, to consume smart, do not hesitate to play the competition by consulting comparators!

Here is an example, a well-made site that brings together the main insurers and certifies that you are paying the fairest price.

So don't let the years go by paying the same price as when your car was new, renegotiate your contract or play the competition;-).