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Choose a dryer with a moisture sensor.

Choose a dryer with a moisture sensor.

Choosing a dryer is not a decision to be made at the light because it is a household appliance that consumes a lot of electricity at home.

If you can't use a drying rack to dry your clothes for free and buying a clothes dryer is essential, consider getting one with electronic humidity control.

This probe is in fact a humidity detector that automatically turns off the dryer when the laundry is dry.

The electronic humidity control is also a trick not to overheat your laundry and find it in poor condition when it comes out.

Savings Achieved

The humidity detector is a very practical and above all very economical system which is available on certain tumble dryers. It is a very good way to save electricity.

With this system, the dryer does not run for nothing and stops as soon as your laundry is dry.

The humidity detector allows you to spend less electricity because the dryer is an energy-intensive device that consumes twice as much energy as a washing machine!

A dryer can represent up to 15% of a household's electricity consumption. Hence the importance of choosing the right type of dryer.