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Inexpensive cinema tickets:I can take advantage of them quickly!

Inexpensive cinema tickets:I can take advantage of them quickly!

Spring is good for bargains, take advantage of cinema tickets quickly at 2 or 4 euros valid throughout France! We explain the procedure to follow to benefit from these unique rates.

After the extension of the Printemps du Cinéma, we offer you the exclusive possibility of buying your cinema tickets for only 2 or 4 euros . How is it possible ? The deal sites have understood the interest of the French for the cinema, so they have just put in place offers defying all competition .

The first, Lookingo, offers to buy a cinema ticket for only 2 euros instead of the traditional 9.50 euros! As I write this article, there are 9 days and 12 hours left to enjoy.

This price is therefore valid for a seat, in all Gaumont and Pathé cinemas in France May 2-17, 2011 . From second place, you can enjoy a price of 5 euros for the most passionate among you!

The second site, Dealissime, offers a price of 4 euros also valid in all Gaumont and Pathé cinemas, between May 2 and May 17, 2011.

You are probably wondering why I am offering you a seat at double the price when you save more with Lookingo? Simply because Dealissime's offer is just as interesting, if not more, insofar as all tickets are sold at 4 euros.

So, from 3 tickets purchased, you save even more only with Lookingo's offer!

Savings Achieved

We have just seen it, it is possible today to save more than 70% on a cinema ticket! So why deprive yourself of it?

With 205 million admissions in 2010, French cinema is doing well. But, when you pay 10 euros for your ticket, the film had better be worth it!

Thanks to this trick, for 2 places purchased, you é save up to 12 euros :

Classic price:2 x 9.50 =19 euros.

Lookingo offer:1st place at 2 euros + 2nd place at 5 euros =7 euros.

Dealissime offer:2 x 4 =8 euros.

You can thus offer yourself 2 cinema tickets for a price lower than the price of a single ticket! It's a great way to have fun and to please the person of your choice at a low price. That's also smart consuming;-)