Family Best Time >> Shopping

Savings:Do the Shopping by Planning the Menus in Advance.

Savings:Do the Shopping by Planning the Menus in Advance.

Before when I went shopping, I left with my head down.

I didn't have to think about what I wanted to buy in advance...

Big mistake for my wallet!

Now, instead of mindlessly rushing to the supermarket, I've gotten into the habit of taking 20 minutes to plan several items.

Savings:Do the Shopping by Planning the Menus in Advance.

How to

1. First, I count how many meals I plan to make at home during the week.

2. Then, I define in detail what I'm going to eat for each of these meals:starters, main courses and desserts (and yes it's true that I eat a lot!).

3. Finally, I note on my shopping list all the ingredients I need for each of these meals.


There you go, I now save money shopping :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

I only buy the products I need and I throw away more food that I let rot at the bottom of the fridge.

This little methodology allows me to precisely determine the products I need for the meals of the week.

It's also a good way to properly assess the quantity of products I need instead of buying too much.

Once my detailed shopping list is ready, I'm off to the supermarket or the local market knowing that nothing can happen to me!

Of course, it's not that easy and sometimes I don't have time to do it... But it's all a matter of getting used to.

I set myself Sunday evening to define my detailed shopping list for the week.

I even saved an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't forget.

The nice thing is that as I go along, I assess my needs and the quantities better and better.

So my list gets better over time and I waste less and less food.

Savings achieved

Food is the second source of expenditure for the French! All means are to be implemented to reduce its budget.

Unfortunately supermarkets are dangerous places for your savings...

Everything is done so that we buy as much as possible. Luckily now you are armed with your shopping list well done and written in advance.

You will also need a lot of courage and determination not to succumb to all the temptations and above all to stick to your shopping list.

So good luck to you :-)

Your turn...

And you, do you think of adopting this method? Or do you think it's too painful to take 20 minutes before going shopping? Share your opinion in the comments.