Family Best Time >> Shopping

THE Ingenious Trick To Do The Shopping Without Forgetting Anything.

THE Ingenious Trick To Do The Shopping Without Forgetting Anything.

Shopping is fine.

And very often, we forget products, and here is this same refrain when coming home "And thin!".

Tired of always forgetting something while shopping? We have an unstoppable trick.

By making a shopping list, you won't forget anything. Some of us already do it on paper.

I suggest you make your list directly on the computer, with Excel.

The advantage? Once registered, with all the products you usually buy, you no longer need to make a new list each time.

THE Ingenious Trick To Do The Shopping Without Forgetting Anything.

How to

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet.

2. Fill in the boxes to make a simple table that summarizes your shopping list.

3. When you leave, print out your list and take it with you to the shops.

4. Check off the products on your list that will already be in your shopping cart.


There you go, now you know how to do the shopping without forgetting anything :-)

Little trick to organize yourself even better:in the first column, you indicate whether the product has been found and put in the shopping cart by marking "finished".

In the second column, you indicate the "products" you intend to buy.

You can add other columns to the right of these such as "quantity", "price", and "brand" to complete your list.

And to make life even easier, we've prepared your shopping list for you;-) All you have to do is print it! Discover it here.

Your turn...

And you , how do you shop ? Do you prepare a list to be sure not to forget anything? Tell us about it in the comments.