Family Best Time >> Shopping

Save on food with an original trick.

Save on food with an original trick.

Saving on food proves difficult. But by playing on our habits it is possible to achieve this. Here is a rather original tip.

Do the shopping reduces ourbudget considerably.

To avoid hammer blows each time you pass through the checkout , it is possible to revise the products a little that we usually buy.

How to do it?

The idea is to change the brand of your food and take the brand below, which will be cheaper.

To do this, make illusion so that your children don't tell you it's not as good when they haven't even tasted it.

1. Buy the same product, with a cheaper brand .

2. Arrived at home , take the package corresponding foods you usually eat,rinse it and put in what you just bought.

3. You have deceived. In the same cereal package, for example, you have new cereals much cheaper although they taste the same. Won, savings guaranteed.

Savings Achieved

By doing just this little sleight of hand, you can shop without spending as much and your children won't even notice.

Another tip to shop without spending too much is to always look at the price per kilo food you buy. Sometimes you can be really surprised at the discrepancies price there may be for the same product in different packaging.

And you, have you ever tried this little magic trick to easily save at home? Tell me in the comments.