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3 Alternatives to Foie Gras for the Holidays.

3 Alternatives to Foie Gras for the Holidays.

Foie gras, I love it, don't you? But force-feeding, much less. And the prices are often high. Here are 3 alternatives to classic foie gras that I have tried this year. Holiday solutions.

1. For Ecologists

Frankly, do you find it human, to force-feed these poor geese and ducks with a funnel or a hydraulic pump? Just thinking about it makes me cringe. Many countries now ban it, and European regulations recently banned this method of feeding animals.

Be aware that there are farms where the animals are fed without force-feeding . Especially in this Spanish farm that sells a natural foie gras, the Pateria de Sousa. Thus, the liver is fatty but not enlarged. And I eat more serenely. But at more than 500 € / kg, you really have to savor every bite… So what to do?

2. A Light Solution

Ideal for vegetarians or those who, like me, can't really afford to taste natural foie gras!

“Tofoie gras” is a sweet blend of tofu, margarine, spices, wine and Cognac. To cook it for less than 5 € / person , here is the clickable recipe on this link.

3. Cheap fake fat

GAIA offers a vegetable alternative, cooked with truffles and champagne. The texture is reminiscent of foie gras but the taste is different. This is normal, because Faux Gras does not seek to imitate foie gras. It is for those who are more sensitive to the animal cause than to the taste in the mouth. And at €3.32 for a 250-gram box, it's both an economical and ethical approach!

So, this year, will you be serving classic foie gras or faux foie gras at your table? Leave me a comment!

3 Alternatives to Foie Gras for the Holidays.

Savings Achieved

Obviously, it is not the same product, it must be explained to the guests. But this little ethical wink will save me about 16 € 70 / kilo . And to affirm my convictions.