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I Look at the Price per Kilo to Avoid Scams!

I Look at the Price per Kilo to Avoid Scams!

The price of a product does not mean much if we don't pay attention to quantity.

The best way to avoid stupid purchases guided by bogus promotions is to focus on prices per kilo.

The comparison is only fair in this case!

10% free product, 30% discount on the second product purchased, the brands are specialists in special offers that promise us to earn as much money as possible.

Except that on closer inspection, we often realize that these promotions are ultimately far from being as interesting as they seem!

A Single Watchword:Compare!

To be sure of getting a good deal by letting me be tempted by a promotion, there is only one solution:compare prices per kilo .

They are indicated on the label on the shelf, and allow you to know, at a glance, how much the finished product really costs.


The set of three boxes (including one free) of green beans was, last week, offered at €3.02, or €0.92 per kilo.

Looking at the prices per kilo, I realized that the private label was showing €1.53 per kilo…

So the offer was definitely worth it!

On the next shelf, on the other hand, laundry which offered 10% free product showed a price per liter €3 higher than that of my usual detergent.

Needless to say that I went my way!

This recommendation is particularly valid during the holiday season , where manufacturers take advantage of our desire to eat good products to try to cheat us!

Smoked salmon cheaper than the others often has a much lower grammage; ditto for the foie gras!

If you have other examples of the same type to share with us, do not hesitate to leave them in the comments!

Savings Achieved

With this trick, you no longer have any chance of being fooled by bogus promotions, with which supermarkets hope to attract customers!

Your discerning eye as a smart consumer will immediately detect the good deal or the scam.

It is quite hard to quantify the savings that are achievable by applying this method, but I think it is easy to avoid wasting €10 per week on fake promotions. Or 40 € per month. Over the year, I therefore save around €480!