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5 Tips for Shopping Without Spending Too Much!

5 Tips for Shopping Without Spending Too Much!

In these difficult times, we are all looking for tips on how not to explode our budget while doing our shopping. I offer you 5 tips (and 1 bonus) to limit yourself to the essentials .

1- Take a Specified Sum of Money

To be sure not to exceed your budget, the best solution is to take only the necessary amount to your purchases. To avoid cracking up, you can leave your credit card and checkbook at home.

2- Stick to your List

This is the complement of the first tip. Write down only what you really need and stick to your list. You'll be less tempted to crack, including spending more and, as a bonus, you'll waste less time shopping!

3- Always Pay Cash

Except in exceptional cases, you should never use credit to do his shopping. In particular, I advise you never to be tempted by the cash reserves offered with store cards. At more than 15% interest, they are really prohibitive!

4- Prefer Small Stores.

Admittedly, the prices are sometimes higher (and again, not necessarily on everything…), but there are a lot fewer temptations . Experience both and stick to the habit that costs you less! Also interesting are the "drive" concepts. which are currently developing. You order, they prepare, you pick up your shopping, offered at the same price as in store.

5- Use Restaurant Tickets

Today, you can pay for your groceries with 2 restaurant tickets per pass. If you or your spouse benefit from it, it's a really advantageous way to save on your shopping. Indeed, the employer pays part of the bill.

And if, like me, you like to bitter , as soon as you have a doubt about the price or the quality of a product, go to the reception of the store :refund of the price difference or voucher, everything is good to take!
Don't forget to come and share with us, in the comments, your personal tips for spending less.