A well-filled shopping cart quickly costs more than 100 euros.
It's a big budget on which we would like to save money!
Fortunately, by opening your eyes wide, you can significantly reduce your bill and shop cheaper.
Here are 3 tips for not spending too much while shopping.
If like me you don't dare to risk buying only so-called "first price" food products, you can afford it for pasta, rice, milk, water, butter and others pulses , it's the same thing.
Let's take an example:for a wafer of brand x butter, you will spend at least two euros, whereas if you buy it at the first price, it costs less than one euro and the butter is just as good!
From now on, I save money on this kind of products, they taste exactly the same.
The other day, I wanted to buy fresh salmon in a tray. The price per kilo was over 20 euros.
In the same supermarket, I go to the fishmonger, the price of salmon on the shelf was 10 euros per kilo, which is half the price!
For fresh fish on the shelf, which one would imagine more expensive than in a tray, you save a lot, and you eat healthier.
By habit, we believe that the least attractive product is also the cheapest, but not always:some "first price" products can be more expensive!
There too it is the same, the price per kilo decreases with the quantity on some products. So I use this trick for pasta, rice and legumes for example.
A 3 kilo bag of rice will be much cheaper per kilo than a small bag.
On the other hand, I avoid "Family sizes", it's purely marketing and rarely economical.
Yes, let's be careful, shopping is a real obstacle course.