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A cheaper Christmas 2013 Thanks to 2 Simple Tips.

A cheaper Christmas 2013 Thanks to 2 Simple Tips.

Christmas is coming and maybe some of you don't have not yet found their happiness.

Or, others have found it but look sadly at their wallets.

Don't panic and follow my 2 little tips so as not to weigh down your bank account, and still offer yourself a very beautiful Christmas.

1. Avoid Last Minute Races

A cheaper Christmas 2013 Thanks to 2 Simple Tips.

Don't fall into the trap of last-minute Christmas shopping!

Besides the crowd that must be fought, the stress of not being ready also does not help to make the right choices . In addition, stores do not hesitate to raise prices during this period.

Panicked and wanting to please, you risk blowing your budget to find something at all costs. Anticipate is therefore the key word.

We are at the beginning of December, you still have time to plan your budget , define what will please and go hunting for the cheapest prices.

The most effective method for a cheap Christmas is still to or-ga-ni-ser!

2. Make The Gifts Yourself

A cheaper Christmas 2013 Thanks to 2 Simple Tips.

System D is a great solution to not spend too much this year. Make the gifts you want to give to your loved ones yourself. DIY ideas are often the most beautiful.

Print a beautiful photo, and buy a cheap frame that you can even repaint. Or make your own photo album.

You can also burn a "compilation" CD of your favorite songs to a friend or make a DVD with some holiday movies you have on your hard drive...

And yes, by anticipating a little you will take the time to find lots of ideas to make most of your gifts yourself.

Have you already bought your gifts this year in advance or are you going to wait for the last minute ? Tell us in the comments.