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When Back to School Means Action:My Organizational Solutions!

When Back to School Means Action:My Organizational Solutions!

Engine is running! Yes, back to school often rhymes with action.

No more letting go, now you have to get back to the rhythm of a hectic daily life!

But with a bit of organization, I stay the course.

Here are some solutions to help you!

When Back to School Means Action:My Organizational Solutions!

8:00 a.m. Monday morning:

- “Mom, my jogging is not ready and I have sport today! »

- " What ? Are we having green beans again tonight? »

- "Honey, you forgot to pay the bill for the kids' canteen!" »

No, I'm not Superwoman, but with a little organization, I manage to limit the gnashing of teeth!

1. I anticipate for my laundry!

A very simple thing to avoid panic as soon as I wake up:I take out my darlings' clothes the day before. No need to waste your precious time right out of bed! A little eye on the weather in the evening and you're done.

Likewise, I don't wait for my dirty laundry basket to overflow! I purify as I go.

And to make it easier to sort my laundry, I have two baskets available:one for white and light colors, another for black and darker colors.

2. I plan my meals and my shopping

I just have to establish my menus for the week. Every Monday it will be this dish, every Tuesday this one and so on.

When Back to School Means Action:My Organizational Solutions!

You will easily find on our site delicious balanced and economical recipes that will allow you to vary the pleasures each week! From Sunday evening, I post the table of my menus for the week on the fridge. My kids love reading it!

As a super organized mom, I do my shopping for the week on Saturday mornings, having taken care to prepare the list of my purchases in advance.

I store my papers separately

I bought three storage baskets that I installed on the cabinet in the entrance:one is dedicated to invoices, another to administrative letters and the last collects the papers processed and to be filed.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips to be well organized for the start of the school year? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!