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The Standard Letter for Canceling a Satellite TV Subscription.

The Standard Letter for Canceling a Satellite TV Subscription.

Do you want or need to cancel your satellite TV subscription?

Whatever your reasons:too expensive subscription, best offer found on the Net, or other, you have the right to cancel your subscription, at the time of its anniversary date.

I advise you to put a note on your agenda 2 months before the deadline and to think at that time whether to continue or cancel your subscription.

Here's how to cancel your satellite TV subscription

The Standard Letter for Canceling a Satellite TV Subscription.

If you wish to cancel it, here is what to write, within 1 to 2 months before the expiry date.

Also remember to revoke any direct debit with your bank. .

First name, Last name


Postcode, City

Client number XXXXXXXX



Postcode, City

At the

Object :termination of subscription n°XXXX

Madam, Sir,

I hereby inform you that I wish to cancel my subscription, the number of which is referred to in the subject of this letter.

I have held this subscription since (date ) so I would be grateful if you could cancel it on (date ), or on its anniversary date.

I thus respect the cancellation period which was mentioned in my contract, i.e. (number of days ).

Thanking you in advance for doing the necessary, I send you, Madam, Sir, my respectful greetings.


If you wish, you can write this letter easily in a Word document pre-filled, by following this link.

The Standard Letter for Canceling a Satellite TV Subscription.

And if you need to cancel your mobile subscription, we have told you everything in this example.

Have you ever terminated a satellite TV subscription? How did you do it? I await your testimonials in the comments.