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The tip for selling your clothes in a consignment store.

The tip for selling your clothes in a consignment store.

Want to get rid of some unnecessary clothes?

Don't throw them away! And if you take advantage of it to earn money?

A tip for all those who have a lot of clothes is to resell them in a consignment shop to earn money.

When you want to part with an item of clothing, you don't always think it's possible to get money back...

... by selling it used in a consignment store. And yet, it's easy. Watch:

The tip for selling your clothes in a consignment store.

How to

1. Locate thrift stores near you.

2. Sort through your clothes.

3. Make sure they are in good condition and clean.

4. Take them to the consignment you selected.

5. After reaching an agreement with the store manager, leave your clothes.

6. Once sold, the store manager contacts you.

7. Get your money back, once your clothes are sold.


There you go, you made money selling your clothes :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Be aware that if the garment in question is still in good condition and fashionable...

It's even easier to sell it used and get a good price.

Savings achieved

This trick is a good way to make my clothes earn me money and no longer end up in the trash.

Most consignment stores will take back my clothes for a third of the new price, if they are in very good condition.

Now all that remains is to bring all the clothes that I no longer wear...

And I can get money back and save on future purchases.

Your turn...

Have you ever sold your clothes in a consignment store? Were you satisfied with the trade-in prices for your clothes? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!