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Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

I love sushi!

Well, I loved it...until the Norwegian government recently declared their farmed salmon to be poisonous.

Should we continue to eat Norwegian salmon? What about my salmon sushi in all this?

Salmon was believed to be good for health. The Ministry of Health even advised us to consume it regularly.

And now the news has the effect of a bomb. Norwegian government says its farmed salmon is stuffed with organic pollutants .

Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

He also advises pregnant women and young people (we don't really know what age) not to consume it more than twice a week.

But what should be remembered is not the so-called advice of this government, which must have known for a long time that its farmed salmon was polluted.

No ! What you need to know is if it really is risky for your health to eat salmon from Norway . And there, an icy atmosphere sets in...

Same temperature as a Norwegian fjord (exactly!)

After dioxin chicken, dioxin and PCB salmon!

Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

Dioxin , you may know from the dioxin chicken scandal, which apparently wasn't enough to learn from.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), "dioxins are very toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with the hormonal system and cause cancer." Read the full WHO note.

• The PCB on the other hand is less known, but just as toxic. It is also used by Monsanto. Learn more about the PCB.

Read Our Article:Want to Avoid Monsanto Products? Here is The List of Brands to Know.

Salmon, another food thought to be good for health

Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

In an article by Rue89, we discover with amazement the effects of Norwegian salmon on health.

• Risk on growth and development:this is why the Norwegian government declares that it is particularly dangerous for pregnant women, young children and adolescents.

• Risk of obesity:fed with animal meal, this oily fish would not be so good for your health. It might even be responsible for overweight problems.

• Risk of Cancer:With all the pollutants that farmed salmon ingest, it's unlikely to be otherwise.

How to choose good salmon?

Sorry for breaking the mood a bit, but I'm going to check carefully in the future where the salmon I eat comes from.

Unfortunately, as this article from Le Monde confirms, it will be very difficult to avoid this farmed salmon.

Norway is the world's largest producer of farmed salmon. Salmon that has almost disappeared from the Atlantic Ocean in the wild.

3 precautions to take:

• Check labels on the salmon trays you buy. Good labels are Label Rouge, Saumon de France, Saumon Organique AB.

• Look for “wild salmon”. In general, if it is wild salmon, it will be indicated on the tray.

Look at the size of the white fibres. The wider they are, the fattier the salmon, the fattest being the Norwegian salmon.

And for your sushi, how do you know if it's farmed salmon from Norway? I don't see too much solution, the origin of the salmon is never indicated on the restaurant menu.

For those who want to know more, an interesting report from the Thalassa program on the secrets of farmed salmon: