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Only 10 Multinationals Control ALL of What You Consume.

Only 10 Multinationals Control ALL of What You Consume.

It may sound crazy, but it's true.

Only 10 groups control the entirety of what you consume on a daily basis.

Whether it's at the supermarket, in supermarkets, convenience stores and even corner grocery stores, you can't escape it.

Despite the hundreds of different brands you know, it's actually only 10 big multinationals who hide behind.

The very serious daily newspaper La Tribune reveals it here via the Reddit site.

The agri-food industry is therefore today an oligopoly (market where there is a very small number of sellers and a large number of customers).

Who are the 10 groups that control what you consume?

Only 10 Multinationals Control ALL of What You Consume.

To see more clearly, this graphic explains in detail who is behind each brand. Click here to see it larger.

To sum up, 10 groups share your plate every day:

1. Kraft

2. Coca Cola,

3. Pepsico

4. General Mills

5. Kellog's

6. March

7. Unilever

8. Johnson &Johnson

9. Procter &Gamble

10. Nestlé

What consequences for us consumers?

Only 10 Multinationals Control ALL of What You Consume.

What happens when very few companies control an entire market?

In addition to spending millions, even billions to convince us to buy new (useless?) products, these multinationals have a very strong "lobbying" power.

In other words, they lobby our government politicians to pass laws in their favor.

The best known example, GMOs.

As we speak, these large corporations are spending millions of euros to prevent mandatory labeling of all products containing GMOs.

It is for this reason that we unveiled a few months ago the list of brands using Monsanto products. You can read the article about it below.