You sure don't like blowing your baby diaper budget and we understand you.
The good idea is to switch to washable diapers.
We will explain everything to you about this good deal!
Why do we love cloth diapers?
The budget that should be reserved for traditional nappies (nearly 2.24 € per day) remains in our throats. At least, by buying only washable diapers, you manage to control your baby budget so as to spend less .
With a stock of washable diapers, make the journey to stock up on baby diapers every 2 weeks, it's over! You have everything you need on hand .
And above all, you forget the hours spent tearing your hair out to find a way to store the large packages of diapers:washable diapers fit in a closet no problem.
Another interesting element is baby safety. With the progress that has been made in this area, no problems with leaks. Your little one is just as safe with cloth diapers as disposable diapers, when you have found the diaper that is right for them.
There is also the more natural side. A disposable diaper is wood pulp , but it's also plastic and chemicals to mask odors and capture baby's little needs.
Washable diapers are made with natural materials such as cotton or bamboo fiber. You will see that baby's little bottom will be less irritated . We think baby's health is paramount, don't you?
Of course, your washing machine budget will increase a little, since you will be doing more laundry. But in the end, you lighten still the invoice , regarding baby expenses.
Look at this little calculation I made for you, you will immediately see the difference.
Until it is clean, a baby is changed 6,300 times. A layer for baby traditional , it's 0.32 €. Doing the math, we arrive at €2,016.
Washable diapers, just make a small stock . You don't have to buy a lot right away. At an average of €12.50 per diaper, you will spend €750 in 3 years. Can you imagine, that's 1,266 € savings, i.e.€422 per year.
In addition, you can use your cloth diapers for future siblings if you decide to have other children. You will hardly need to buy more diapers.
You can find cloth diapers in organic stores or here on the Internet.