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Cheap Baby Diapers are Possible with our Tip.

Cheap Baby Diapers are Possible with our Tip.

Do you have a baby like me who needs diapers?

Then you have certainly noticed how expensive his po-pots are!

I have good news for you:cheap baby diapers are possible… provided you use washable ones.

Yes, washable diapers are back!

But they have nothing to do with those of our childhood, they have indeed been considerably improved.

And that's good for us!

Washable nappies TE1 (all in 1)

Cheap Baby Diapers are Possible with our Tip.

These are my favorites because they are very easy to use (link to Amazon). They look like a disposable diaper, except they are made of cloth. Just add an insert inside to retrieve the baby po-potty more easily. They close with press studs or Velcro.

TE2 washable diapers

These diapers are made up of 2 parts:the diaper and the protective panties, knowing that only the diaper is changed each time (the panties can be reused several times before washing).

There are TE1 and TE2 nappies in several sizes or in one size (which evolves with the baby thanks to an ingenious system of pressures).

Which material to choose?

Cloth diapers can be cotton, hemp, bamboo or microfiber.

Each material has its advantages and disadvantages:

- Cotton dries quickly but is less absorbent.

- Hemp is resistant and has a good absorption capacity. However, it may become a little less comfortable over the washes.

- Bamboo is absorbent and comfortable, but diapers take a long time to dry. Be aware that this material is not 100% natural because the transformation of the plant is done chemically.

- Microfiber diapers dry quickly and absorb well. The only downside is that it is a synthetic material which can cause irritation.

A good investment?

Cheap Baby Diapers are Possible with our Tip.

The initial investment is quite heavy, but it quickly pays for itself.

Personally, I borrowed washable diapers from girlfriends to try and buy them second-hand afterwards. I also bought or rented trial kits to find the right diaper for my baby.

The savings are even greater when you reuse your diapers for another child, or if you resell them second-hand.

In addition, the washable diaper is ecological:it would generate 60 times less solid waste than a disposable diaper. Indeed, the latter needs 300 to 500 years to decompose. The production and use of washable diapers would consume 3.5 times less energy and 2.3 times less water than disposable diapers.

Without forgetting that the washable diaper is healthier and solves the problems of diaper rash or allergy to disposables...

Savings achieved

We can operate with about 28 washable diapers, which cost around 200 €. I add 200 € of detergent, until the baby is clean (around 2 and a half years old), i.e. 400 €.

A disposable diaper costs on average 0 € 25. Baby is changed about 7 times a day, for 2.5 years. Their total cost is therefore €1,597.

Thus, my washable diapers allow me to save approximately €1,197 over 2.5 years. More than enough to buy very soft washable wipes to clean my baby's bottom.

And you, what is your experience with washable diapers? Come tell me about it in the comments!