My name is Lauren. I'm 23 and live in New York.
I produce no waste. Yes, for real. Zero waste .
This means:nothing in the trash, nothing in the dumps.
Nothing nothing.
I know what you must be thinking. This girl must be a hippie. Or a liar. Or else it doesn't really exist.
But I assure you that I am none of that. Finally yes, I am a real person :-)
I haven't always lived this lifestyle, which many people call the "zero waste" life .
In fact, everything changed about 3 years ago. I was studying sustainable development at New York University at the time.
I started to participate in demonstrations against the big oil groups.
I was also president of a club that hosted weekly discussions on environmental protection.
I thought I was a defender of the planet or, as my grandmother said, "a real green".
In everyone's mind, I was the girl who put ecology first.
So you'd think I was doing everything in my power to help the environment, right?
Well NO, not at all! I'll explain why:
In my class, there was a girl who systematically came to class with a plastic bag.
This contained his meal in a plastic box, a plastic water bottle. She also had plastic cutlery and a packet of crisps.
Day after day, I saw this girl throwing all those plastic containers in the trash. And that made me really uncomfortable and angry!
Why ? Because I was thinking of all this waste that was going to end up in a public landfill after just one use...
...and this, without anything being able to be recycled!
I was exasperated... And yet I had never really spoken to this girl. I was just angry at his daily behavior.
Then one day, after a class where I was particularly upset, I went straight home,
I thought I was going to make myself a nice little meal to forget all that.
As usual, I opened my fridge, and there, BIM, big awareness!
I had just realized that all the ingredients in my fridge were wrapped in plastic.
It was the first time in my life when I had to face my true contradictions.
I thought I was green, I produced as much waste as the girl in my class!
It's still incredible that it took me so many years to realize it...
But my decision was made:I was going to eliminate all plastics from my life.
Renouncing plastic meant renouncing all products sold in packaging.
I had to learn to do everything myself, including toothpaste and cleaning products.
I learned a lot by researching the internet.
Because I had no idea how to prepare all this stuff!
One day, I came across the blog Zero Waste Home.
In this blog, we discover the daily life of a Californian mother, Bea Johnson.
With her husband and 2 children, Bea's family leads a "zero waste" life. I also recommend his book translated into French here.
When I read his book, I had already eliminated almost all plastic objects from my life.
But there, I said to myself:"If this family of 4 people can live without producing waste... So I too, the single young New Yorker, can do it too."
So I took the plunge.
So how did I make the transition from "zero plastic" to "zero waste"?
I first stopped buying products sold in packaging.
For this, I started shopping by bringing my own bags.
I also took jars or other containers from supermarkets that sell products in bulk (more info here).
I stopped buying new clothes. And I started buying only second-hand clothes.
I have intensified my use of homemade recipes for my personal care and home maintenance products.
I also got rid of all superfluous objects in my life.
Which ? The 5 spare spatulas from my kitchen, the 10 jeans I hadn't worn since high school...
But also the dozens of trinkets that were of absolutely no use to me in my apartment, etc.
But beyond that, I became more attentive to all the situations that generate waste.
I learned to say "NO" to simple things.
For example the straws in my cocktails in bars...
"NO" to plastic or paper bags in stores and "NO" to receipts.
Of course, this life change did not happen overnight. For me, the transition took more than a year and required a lot of effort.
The most difficult thing was to question myself.
I had to take aware that I was not living at all in accordance with the principles of an ecology student. A so-called standard-bearer for sustainable development!
Even though ecology was a subject close to my heart, I had to face the facts.
I did not fully embody my life philosophy.
Once this hard truth was accepted, the changes could really begin.
And since I started living zero waste, my life has improved day by day!
You don't believe me?
So here are the 4 main advantages of living without producing waste:
Now I prepare a shopping list before going to the supermarket.
It helps me buy only the products I really need.
Without giving in to impulse purchases that drive up expenses!
In addition, buying food in bulk is much cheaper.
Because they do not include packaging costs.
As for my clothes, I stopped buying new.
Now I buy all my second-hand clothes, at heavily discounted prices.
Since I shop without buying packaged goods...
It saves me from choosing unhealthy products.
What is the relationship will you tell me? Well, it's simple.
Unhealthy products are often those that are processed. So they often have packaging in supermarkets.
Now I eat organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes bought in bulk.
I take advantage of farmer's markets. I buy good seasonal food there at unbeatable prices, and without packaging.
Not to mention the fact that I often collect fruits and vegetables for free from the markets. Here's how to do it here.
So much has changed since I went zero waste.
Previously, I had to rush to get my groceries before the supermarkets closed.
Why ? Because I never made a shopping list.
I often ordered takeout or had it delivered. And my fridge remained empty...
I was spending my money on all kinds of exfoliators, moisturizers and other personal care.
I learned that you can make them yourself.
I spent my time doing housework.
Because I had so much useless stuff that dust was everywhere!
Now I do all my shopping for the week in just 1 visit to the supermarket.
And not just to feed me!
Because all the cleaning and beauty products I use are now homemade, using simple, natural ingredients.
An easier way of life, with much less stress and also healthier, because without chemicals!
I did not expect that living without producing waste would allow me to have a better quality of life.
At best, I thought the only benefit would be never having to take out the trash again.
Do you also want to reduce your waste? Don't worry, reducing your waste is not that complicated!
Here are some simple tips to start reducing your bins and saving money:
Instead of buying disposable toothbrushes, use compostable bamboo ones like these.
Instead of buying single-use Sopalin, use cotton cloths like these.
Instead of buying industrial shampoo, make your own natural shampoo with these homemade recipes.
Instead of using disposable cotton to remove your makeup, use washable makeup remover wipes like these.
Instead of buying shower gel full of petroleum, use simple soaps like these.
Instead of using Tupperware which may contain chemicals, use glass jars.
Instead of buying plastic water bottles, use a water bottle like this one.
Instead of buying tampons which can be dangerous for your health, use menstrual cups like these.
Instead of buying disposable razors, use traditional razors like this one.
Today, my life choice took an unexpected turn.
I quit my job as a sustainability manager at the New York Department of Environmental Protection.
And I started my own zero waste business, The Simply Co.
On Simply Co, I sell the products that I have learned to make with my own hands over the past 2 years.
In conclusion, I did not adopt this lifestyle to show bias.
If I chose to lead a zero waste life...
It is because I am completely convinced that this is the way of life most in line with my convictions.