Family Best Time >> Shopping

Plan your shopping list to save on pizza deliveries.

Plan your shopping list to save on pizza deliveries.

A tip to save on food is to plan your shopping list for the week. This avoids spending money unnecessarily on pizza deliveries.

It's the same for everyone! It's late and as usual you have nothing in the fridge? A small order from the pizza delivery man and you're done!

Not at all! Because it is far from being a clever stingy attitude!

Instead, you should have planned your shopping list in advance so you don't end up with an empty fridge...

Savings Achieved

Take half an hour a week to plan your shopping list is an essential trick to avoid pizza orders that cost you a lot of money at the end of the month.

It's amazing what you can spend as money in pizza deliveries especially if the fridge is often empty at home!

By planning the menus before going shopping, it is very easy to never run out of food in the fridge.

A great way to save lots of money every month, while enjoying a much more balanced diet.