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Your Christmas Lists Online to Save Time!

Your Christmas Lists Online to Save Time!

For an obvious organizational matter, a Christmas list is useful.

Except that between the gift for the grandmother that Mum hasn't bought yet, and that of the cousin, of which no one has informed you, we get lost...

We save time by putting it online, because it avoids sending 20 emails to the whole family in less than three weeks, to announce which gifts must be crossed out, and for whom!

Your Christmas Lists Online to Save Time!

Christmas is fast approaching and your little one will probably be well spoiled . Too much ? Maybe... But that's another problem!

Between grandparents, uncles, cousins, how to avoid offering twice the same gift, the fifth electric train from the house, and the twelfth football from the garage?

No need to ask Google all possible questions, the solution is right here:a Christmas list to write online and share with the whole family with It's exactly the same principle as birth or marriage lists.

How does it work?

Your Christmas Lists Online to Save Time!

Easy-wishlist offers you for free a personalized space on which you create your list of gifts. The whole family can register, so you create the list of your darlings and can consult those of your nephews and nieces at the same time.

Your loved ones will have access to a large number of partner brands as for a classic gift (or wedding) list (FNAC, Printemps, etc.) and will only have to choose the items on offer. Once an item is purchased, it is delisted ...

Have you used this service before? Or do you know any other tricks to avoid making mistakes when Christmas shopping? I can't wait to read your comments!