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3 Surprising Secrets to Know to Shop Less Expensively.

3 Surprising Secrets to Know to Shop Less Expensively.

Are you a real leaker? Do you find it difficult not to succumb to temptation on a daily basis? Discover my 3 little secrets to avoid wasting all your money on the supermarket shelves!

If shopping for you is synonymous with big expenses, it's time to fix this little problem so you don't find yourself broke at the end of the month.

Thanks to my 3 little tips, you will really shop cheaper.

1. I start my shopping at the back of the store

As a great savings professional, I know that you shouldn't start your shopping at the entrance of the store because there is rarely food !

On the other hand, CDs, DVDs, crockery, clothes are present right in front of you and can quickly make you forget the primary purpose of your visit to the stores.

My technique consists in not paying attention to it, I go straight to the essentials to buy only the products registered on my shopping list .

Then, in order not to wait too long at the checkout, I go back to the entrance of the store because I know that there are generally fewer people queuing there!

2. I compare products

Sometimes I hesitate between different brands to buy pasta or cereals for example.

The best way to get a definite opinion on the matter is still to compare myself the taste different foods so you don't have to hesitate next time.

I then buy both products to conduct my own investigation at home and to my surprise it's not always the branded product that wins the prize for the best taste!

3. I am wary of family sizes

Not being from a large family, I'm not really used to consuming products in very large quantities and I think it's rather a good thing for my wallet.

Even if they catch the eye very quickly, family sizes do not always save money.

The only way not to be fooled is still to compare prices per liter or per kilo and beware large formats sometimes misleading!

Do you have other methods to achieve real savings on your racing budget? Come tell us about it in the comments!