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Choose a Separate Fridge and Freezer.

Choose a Separate Fridge and Freezer.

Should you buy a refrigerator with a built-in freezer or a refrigerator and a separate freezer?

This is the question we are trying to answer.

Back to school is often synonymous with renewing your household appliances.

Before heating the credit card, it is important to ask the right questions because the consequences on the EDF bill are far from negligible.

If you have a significant need for freezing , know that it is better to buy a chest type freezer and a refrigerator separated, rather than a refrigerator with an integrated freezer compartment. Indeed, as incredible as it may seem, your 2 devices will consume less energy only one that tries to do both features!

Now if you rarely freeze many products at the same time and whether you live alone or as a couple without children, choose the refrigerator with the integrated freezer because there is nothing worse than an empty freezer to increase your energy bill.

And what do you have at home? Are your devices separated or not? Tell us in the comments.


Fridges that don't have a freezer compartment are much more economical than those that do. This is an important trick to know in order to effectively choose an economical device.

Yet another interesting information, once you have heated the card, try to place your 2 cold appliances in a more temperate room than the rest of the house. For example, you can place the freezer in the garage or cellar so that it consumes less energy.