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Choose the Smallest Freezer Possible.

Choose the Smallest Freezer Possible.

Buying a freezer is essential depending on the volume of frozen products I consume. I choose it as small as possible.

It is better to have a small, well-stocked freezer rather than a large, sparsely filled freezer. To find your way around, here are the recommended volumes for a freezer.

  • 50 liters for 1 person
  • 100 liters for 2 people
  • 150 liters for 3 people
  • 200 liters for 4 people
  • 250 liters for 5 people.

Savings Achieved

Plus the size of a freezer is greater, the greater its consumption! If I choose a freezer size larger than I really need, I increase its capacity by 30% for nothing.

With a well-chosen volume of freezer, I save on the purchase price but also on electricity bills throughout the year. A good shopping plan to buy a suitable freezer.