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3 Ways to Eat Local to Eat Better at Low Prices.

3 Ways to Eat Local to Eat Better at Low Prices.

Want cheaper power? Better quality ? Want to know what's on your plates? The best way is to eat local. Here are 3 simple tips to achieve this.

In addition to eating quality food, supporting the local economy, participating in the safeguarding of nourishing lands and reducing its environmental impact, eating local is also an opportunity to do savings !

Producers' Markets

Some markets near you are only made up of local producers . You find yourself directly in front of the producers, without intermediary. The prices are therefore more attractive. Find the list of these markets on the site of the markets of the producers of countries.

I regularly go to the farmers' market which takes place once a week in the village next door.

This is an opportunity for me to exchange with the producers in a friendly atmosphere, about their products, the weather, the difficulties encountered, etc. I stock up on fresh and new products:forgotten vegetables (Jerusalems, parsnips, etc.), new recipes for local cheeses, meat per kilo, etc. at very attractive prices and of incomparable quality and freshness.

The Groupings of Locavores

Eating local makes me a locavore, like others are omnivores, carnivores and herbivores! By grouping myself with other locavores, I benefit from quality products, without GMOs and other pesticides.


It's a good way to get closer to a producer and enjoy healthy products at an affordable price. I sign a year-round contract where I undertake to buy from the producer one basket per week at a pre-determined price. This allows me to eat very fresh seasonal products.

The price of a basket of 4-5 kg ​​costs around 15-20 €. This represents approximately 10% less than what can be found on the market, with quality more.

. The Hive that says yes!

Local producers come together on an Internet platform to offer consumers the opportunity to buy their products at the best price. No annual subscription in this formula. On the Ruche website which says yes, I order only when I decide to, if the products offered for sale suit me .

. The "I eat local" website

I eat local provides the map of points of sale offering a maximum of local products near my home. A good way to find out where to go shopping .

Cultivating your vegetable garden

If you love gardening, this is the best way to eat local and save money. At home or on a shared plot, why not grow your own salads, tomatoes and green beans in a vegetable patch?

Here is a site listing Parisian shared gardens if you live in Paris and are tempted by the adventure.

The French are more and more attracted by short circuits. And you, do you consume this way? Tell us about your great ideas in the comments!