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Need to Cancel your Auto Insurance? Use our Form Letter.

Need to Cancel your Auto Insurance? Use our Form Letter.

Sometimes you sell your car before your insurance expires.

It also happens that it is damaged and not replaced.

These are examples, and there are others, where you will need to cancel your car insurance outside of its anniversary date.

Here is the standard letter that I suggest you write to your insurer, in order to cancel your car insurance.

A typical auto insurance cancellation letter

Need to Cancel your Auto Insurance? Use our Form Letter.

(First name Last name)


(Postal Code)(City)


(telephone number)

Termination Service

(Company name)


(Postal Code)(City)

At , the

Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt

Madam, Sir,

I hereby inform you that I have sold my vehicle registered XX XX XX (or that my vehicle registered XX XX XX has been damaged and classified as wreck, etc, depending on the reason ), dated (exact date of the event ).

This vehicle was insured with your company under the contract number mentioned in the references of this letter.

As I have not yet wished to acquire a new vehicle, I would be grateful if you would cancel my insurance contract and also send me any overpayment by return mail.

I remain of course at your disposal for any further information you may need.

I send you, Madam, Sir, my respectful greetings.


To make your life easier, fill in directly your mail on this pre-filled Word document.

Need to Cancel your Auto Insurance? Use our Form Letter.

If you want to buy a used car in a few months, here are some tips.

Have you ever terminated your car insurance before its term? If not, will you consider doing so in the future using this model? Of course, I await your comments.