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Glyphosate Trial:Monsanto Condemned at Last, a Landmark Judgment.

Glyphosate Trial:Monsanto Condemned at Last, a Landmark Judgment.

Those who read know this.

Roundup is a real poison for both the environment and the health of all of us.

For decades, the multinational Monsanto has been polluting our soils and poisoning people with this extremely widespread herbicide.

But good news has finally arrived!

Monsanto was ordered by the California courts to pay 289.2 million dollars (nearly 248 million euros) to a Roundup victim.

This 46-year-old gardener, Dewayne Johnson, is indeed in the terminal phase of a serious cancer .

Glyphosate Trial:Monsanto Condemned at Last, a Landmark Judgment.

Following the opinion of the doctors, the justice recognized that his condition was directly linked to his exposure to herbicides containing glyphosate .

The jury at the trial considered that they were "a substantial factor" in the cancer of this father of 2 children .

In addition, the court considered that the risks were known to Monsanto, which nevertheless chose not to inform its customers of them, thus acting with "maliciousness" .

If Monsanto appealed the judgment, it is still a great victory for all the victims of this poison.

In the United States alone, more than 4,000 similar lawsuits have been initiated to convict Monsanto.

A historic decision

This judgment could therefore set precedent, in the United States, but also all over the world.

And it is urgent because glyphosate, marketed by several agrochemical companies, is the most widely used pesticide in the world.

Although aware of the toxicity of this product, the multinational Monsanto makes the majority of its turnover thanks to it.

It sells both to farmers, especially for soybean and corn plantations, and to individuals.

There is still a long way to go...

Roundup, a recognized carcinogen

Glyphosate Trial:Monsanto Condemned at Last, a Landmark Judgment.

Since March 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has very clearly classified glyphosate as a carcinogen .

However, the European Union authorized its sale again at the end of 2017 for another 5 years!

Monsanto's lobbying, in Europe and the rest of the world, is very powerful indeed.

In order to protect our health, that of our children and our planet, it is therefore up to us as consumers.

You'll see, it's really easy to do without this poison :-)

For example, you can follow this simple and natural recipe to make your homemade herbicide.

Super economical, this 100% natural weed killer is safe for your health and our environment... and very effective!

Or, avoid buying Monsanto products by preferring responsible organic and/or local products.