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Cheapest Supermarket:A Survey for Economical Shopping.

Cheapest Supermarket:A Survey for Economical Shopping.

Finding the cheapest option in the plethora of existing supermarkets, this is not easy.

Fortunately, Linear magazine did the sorting.

If like me you live close to a Carrefour, not too far from an Auchan and 5 minutes from a Leclerc, you must have a hard time making your choice.

Each brand offers its small promotions, its small reduction coupons, its small reference brands...

And in the end, we don't get away with it. Yes, but now, I don't know if you knew, but the magazine Linéaires publishes every quarter a national survey to compare the pricing policy of supermarkets.

So rather than just inviting you to go buy Linear, I will give you the results of the investigation, it will go faster. In addition Linear, can't be found at just any newspaper vendor.

Leclerc still great champion

Cheapest Supermarket:A Survey for Economical Shopping.

(first of all, I want to clarify that the intertitle joke above is unintentional)

For several years, Leclerc has occupied first place in the Linear rankings. It must be said that this dear Edouard, he does not do things by halves:promotions every day, discounted prices, sub-brands of equivalent quality to the brand... No, really, a safe bet.

The big surprise is Carrefour, which comes in second place. Since it was taken over last year by Noël Prioux, the sign which positive has decided to practice a policy much more oriented towards low prices.

So if you ever live near a Carrefour (not to be confused with Carrefour Market, a bit more expensive), don't hesitate to go do your shopping there.

Monoprix still in the cabbage

Cheapest Supermarket:A Survey for Economical Shopping.

Then follow InterMarché, Super U, Carrefour Market and Auchan, where the reductions are too punctual and too little marked.

In short, what is certain is that the brands of small neighborhood convenience stores, where you come to do your shopping quickly to buy 3 or 4 items, are obviously the most expensive. Because, who says retail item, says wholesale price.

I am thinking in particular of Simply Market, Cora, Géant and above all Monoprix, which comes dead last. Too bad for city dwellers because these brands are the most present in town...

In short, if you want to know if your favorite supermarket is still cheap, I can only invite you to browse the magazine Linéaires next quarter.

Our last tip:shop online

Cheapest Supermarket:A Survey for Economical Shopping.

Online, your shopping will generally be cheaper with Drive systems in particular.

In addition, there are plenty of discount coupons that will allow you to save even more on your shopping. No more peeling supermarket booklets to cut out your promo codes.

When you want to do your shopping or shopping online, consider looking for the promo code associated with the product you want to buy.

Example :If you want to buy shoes online on Zalando. Type in google "Zalando promo code". You will then find these discounts on sites like, kelcodepromo or

All you have to do is specify the code when making your purchase on the e-commerce site (here Zalando) or the online supermarket.

For now, I'm waiting for your opinion on the matter and your recommendations for inexpensive brands. It's in the comments that it happens.